
Kursseja tohtoriopiskelijoille periodissa IV

Ilmoittautuminen kursseille tapahtuu Sisussa ja alkaa yleensä kuukautta ennen periodin alkua. Kurssikohtainen ilmoittautumisaika päättyy yleensä joko viikkoa ennen tai viikkoa periodin alkamisen jälkeen kurssityypistä riippuen. Periodi IV alkaa 26. helmikuuta ja päättyy 21. huhtikuuta 2024.

Periodin IV kurssit ovat tarjolla englanniksi.

Etiikka ja EDI

LC-L1010 Research Ethics for Doctoral Students 26.2.–28.3.2024
This course is recommended for doctoral students in their first or second year of study. The course will help you to recognise and analyse key research ethical questions, formulate an ethical research plan and identify rights and responsibilities as a researcher, among other things. The spring 2024 version of the course is held completely online. 
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LC-1333 Navigate your doctoral studies while learning about equity, diversity and inclusion 29.2.-11.4.2024
This course is intended to new doctoral students who are at the beginning of their doctoral journey. The course is constructed in workshop meetings, each of which with its own theme. The participants are actors and bring content to these meetings which address varying topics, e.g., expectations and study structure, potential challenges in the doctoral path, useful means to overcome obstacles, language and inclusion. The aim of the course is for the new doctoral students to network and find solutions even before the potential problems arise. The six workshops are held during Period 4 and registration is open in Sisu until February 19.
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Kirjoittaminen ja esittäminen

LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral Research 26.2.-10.4.2024
This is a course aimed at supporting doctoral students (from any Aalto school) in developing skills in presenting their research. The course is intended for participants who will be presenting soon either at a conference or in a seminar. Students’ own presentations form a key part of the course. During the course, students plan, structure, and visualize their presentations and then practice giving them. The practice sessions include giving a rehearsal presentation, upon which feedback is given and then implemented before giving a final presentation. Participants also practice strategies for asking, receiving, and deflecting questions from the audience. Registration is open in Sisu until February 19. Another group will be offered in period 5.
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LCA-1050 Writing Doctoral Research for Arts 26.2.-15.4.2024
This is an English course that aims to help doctoral students in art and design to develop their academic writing skills for writing up their research. Therefore, participants need to be in the process of writing either an article for publication or their dissertation. Their own texts form a key part of the course as they work to improve them. The overall aim of the course is to enable participants to write up their research more effectively and with greater confidence for an international readership. The course takes place in Period 4 and registration is open in sisu until February 19. This course is offered every two years, so it will be offered next time in Period 4 in 2026.
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Viestintä ja vuorovaikutus

LC-0510 Conference presentations (this group in English) 27.2.-12.3.2024  
Make your conference presentation more engaging and comprehensive for the audience! A hands-on course offers a possibility to practice your presentation skills in an encouraging atmosphere.  
More information and registration (sisu.aalto.fi) 
LC-0320 Public speaking skills (this group in English) 26.2.-8.4.2024 
Refine your presentation skills on this more in-depth presentation skills training. Lots of exercises from improv to academic presentations and pitching.  More information and registration (sisu.aalto.fi)  

LC-0530 Public speaking and stage fright (this group in Finnish) 3.3.-14.4.2024  
Public speaking course especially for those who experience their nervousness or stage fright as a problem or are otherwise interested in the topic.   
More information and registration (sisu.aalto.fi)  

LC-0550 Communication skills (this group in Finnish) 1.3-12.4.2024  
Basic course in communication skills, including group communication, feedback and listening skills, communication ethics and more.  
More information and registration (sisu.aalto.fi) 

 LC-0320 Leadership communication (this group in Finnish) 28.2.-10.4.2024  Leadership is interaction! 
More information and registration (sisu.aalto.fi) 

Opi kieliä ja viestintätaitoja verkossa – ilmoittaudu KiViTa-kursseille nyt!

KiViTa on pääkaupunkiseudun korkeakoulujen yhteinen kieli- ja viestintätarjotin.

Lue lisää
Student Guide illustration, news items
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Lue lisää uutisia

Kuvassa näkyvät Kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijat Liina Röyskö ja Kerttu Lammi koulun pääovien edustalla.
Opinnot Julkaistu:

Tekoälyn fiksua käyttöä opettava verkkokurssi lisäisi opiskelun tasa-arvoa

Tekoäly on tullut jäädäkseen ja sen osaava ja tehokas hyödyntäminen auttaisi sekä opinnoissa että työnhaussa, sanovat Kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijat.
Två studentar på Aalto-universitetets campus
Opinnot Julkaistu:

2 027 uutta opiskelijaa hyväksyttiin Aalto-yliopistoon

Kaiken kaikkiaan 13 500 haki opiskelupaikkaa Aallosta kevään 2024 toisessa yhteishaussa
Syksyinen kampusalue
Opinnot Julkaistu:

Syksyn 2024 avoimen yliopiston kurssit on nyt julkaistu

Syksyn kurssien ilmoittautuminen alkaa aikaisintaan elokuussa.
Event poster with a young researcher looking down with lighst and code reflected around her.
Yhteistyö, Tutkimus ja taide, Opinnot Julkaistu:

Unite! Research Week 14.-18.lokakuussa, Grenoble-Autrans

Verkostoitumistapahtuma tohtoriopiskelijoille Unite!-verkoston yliopistoista.