
ELO Film School Helsinki well presented at CAMERIMAGE

Wide diversity of Films and Cinematographers meet in Poland
Photo: Alvi Pakarinen

The International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography CAMERIMAGE is the greatest and most recognized festival dedicated to the art of cinematography and its creators - cinematographers. CAMERIMAGE contributes to the growth of cinematographers' prestige. The unconventional format of the Festival, which awards films according to their visual, aesthetic and technical values, has turned out to be an alternative for traditional film festivals.

The Festival also contains other events such as Student Etudes Competition, Documentary Films Competition and seminars and workshops led by the greatest modern cinematographers, directors and other filmmakers. The Festival proves to be a great forum not only for presentation but also for further development of international moviemaking. CAMERIMAGE helps young filmmakers and integrates the community of those already recognized, allowing them to explore new artistic areas.

ELO has three Screenings at the Festival: BEST OF ELO FILM SCHOOL HELSINKI

In the productions there is a considerable diversity, however in all films the style of visual narration strongly supports the storyline. Film as well as digital formats have been used widely. The cinematography students of the selected films are both Bachelor and Master degree students, all of them brave in creating their own signature. A certain "Nordic mood" is evident in many of the films which will be screened.

More info about the films: https://camerimage.pl/en/

ELO is also represented at Student Etudes Competition with the Film Ödeö, Director; Malin Nyqvist, Cinematography; Alvi Pakarinen, Finland, 2015. Ödeö will be screened on Wednesday 18 of November.

Photo: Anu Maja

After several years of absence, Linda is returning home to attend her father’s funeral on the distant island of Ödeö. The closed community holds tightly to its past, maintaining its own outlook on life. Regardless of Linda’s efforts to keep her distance, Ödeö has a habit of getting under her skin.                                               

Other ELO´s people at CAMERIMAGE

The Main Competition: The Midwife (Kätilö) F.S.C. Cinematographer: Rauno Ronkainen (the Lecturer of Cinematography)

Documentary Films Competition: The Visit, F.S.C Cinematographer: Heikki Färm (Guest Teacher)

The Baltic Sea Region Cinema Review: They Have Escaped (He ovat paenneet), Cinematographer: Pietari Peltola (cinematography student); Producer Aleksi Bardy (Professor of Film and Television Producing)

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