
Väitös organisaatioviestinnän aineesta, KTM Ana Paula Lafaire

Public defence from the Aalto University School of Business, Department of Management Studies
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Title of thesis: Exploring interventions for relational knowing and caring in management and organization studies

Doctoral student: Ana Paula Lafaire

Opponent: Professor Sheena Vachhani, University of Bristol Business School

Custos (Chairperson): Assistant Professor Astrid Huopalainen,  Aalto University School of Business

Thesis available for public display 10 days prior to the defence at: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/doc_public/eonly/riiputus/

Contact information:
[email protected]

+358 452 500 716

Doctoral theses in the School of Business: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/50

Zoom Quick Guide: https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/zoom-quick-guide

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