ONLINE: Tulevaisuuden ruokaa
The food we produce, purchase and consume has far-reaching consequences for our society and planet.
This exhibition sheds light on what happens behind the scenes of novel food and beverage products, showcasing Finnish entrepreneurs, experiments and collaboration needed for designing new innovative solutions.
Organized by the DesignBites research project and the Aalto Design Factory platform for co-creation, the exhibition represents different pathways, goals and tools used by entrepreneurs, drawing from longitudinal research on Finnish food and beverage ventures.
The exhibition is open for visits 27.8.-25.9.2020, in addition to which we're organizing a virtual program for 2.-3.9.2020 of entrepreneurs and academics on co-creating sustainable solutions for the future of food. Join us on instagram at @designbts for virtual tours and interviews and at Zoom for lunch webinars! Take also a look at our fresh, very browsable report on creativity in times of crisis.
The aim of DesignBites is to share insights and support entrepreneurs in their development efforts towards better (and sustainable) business and products, inspire new people to get involved in the food & beverages industry, as well as create academic and practical publications.
Wednesday 2.9.2020
9.00 Instagram LIVE talks with researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs: Co-creation in the packaged food and beverage industry (
12.00 Sustainable packaging - Markus Joutsela / Aalto ARTS and Pramod Jayaprakash / Spices Chef (Zoom webinar:
15.00 Instagram LIVE talks with researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs: Regionality and internationalization in Finnish food (
Thursday 3.9.2020
9.00 Instagram LIVE talks with researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs: Trends and challenges in the food industry (
12.00 Current state and future outlook of the insect industry - Topi Kairenius / Hyönteiskokki, Fat Lizard Brewing Co (Zoom webinar:
15.00 Instagram LIVE talks with researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs: From crisis to creativity - food and beverage companies responding to the pandemic (
For further information, contact the DesignBites exhibition team:
Prof. Tua Björklund, [email protected], +358505113182
Researcher Maria Mikkonen, [email protected], +358504520729
Designer Anna Kuukka, [email protected], +358505372664
Kulutus kuntoon
Kotitalouksien kulutus muodostaa yli 60 prosenttia globaaleista päästöistä ja 50–80 prosenttia kaikesta maan, materiaalien ja veden käytöstä.