
Good Life Engine: The value of nutrition

Opi yksinkertaisia faktoja ja tietoa, joka auttaa sinua rakentamaan hyvän perustan syömistavoillesi!
A brightly colored decorative banner with the text "Good Life Engine" waving through. Around the text are yellow flowers and illustrated characters running.

Eating and nutrition is no rocket science — but done right, it can greatly enhance one’s wellbeing and health. Just by taking small steps towards eating better, nutrition can become a fountain of joy and energy.

In this Good Life Engine open session Anna Tervo, a nutrition coach and the co-founder of the startup ViaEsca, will introduce simple facts and bits of information to help you build a good foundation for your eating habits. She’ll also cover themes like the connection between eating and sleeping/recovery, and global topics influencing nutrition trends and habits, such as the climate crisis and Covid-19.

Good Life Engine on Aalto Ventures Program -kurssi, joka auttaa sinua kehittämään tapoja ja rutiineja parempaan elämään. Kuukausittaiset työpajat ovat kaikille avoimia ja ilmaisia. 

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