
Common ground -ryhmänäyttely

Common Ground esittelee 11 projektia Contemporary Design ohjelman ‘Personal Exploration’ -kurssilta. Työt on rakennettu ‘Ground’ -teeman ympärille, jota jokainen opiskelija tulkitsi omasta näkökulmastaan.
Common ground poster on violet background

Group Exhibition in Aalto University 29.10.- 08.11.2021

Welcome to the opening event on Friday 29th of October 4-6pm!

Common Ground presents 11 projects made in the Contemporary Design programme’s ‘Personal Exploration’ course. The works were built around the theme ‘Ground’, which each student interpreted from their own perspective.

The starting point for the course was an excursion to Koli, Eastern Finland. The change of environment gave time and space to start the creative process and personal exploration. Koli worked as an inspirational source for the works, where each student found things that excite, scare, interest or troubles them. Issues around the environmental crisis as well as more personal challenges were brought up. The shared experiences formed a strong common ground within the students. The exhibition pieces tackle these issues through their subjects, materials and techniques and by offering a space to stop for a moment. 

Students: Alejandra Alarcón, Tiia von Becker, Antti Grundstén, Johannes Kaarakainen, Roosa Muukkonen, Maria Nurminen, Hannakaisa Pekkala, Taísa Ribeiro, Katrina Šatalova, Turkka Taipale, Emilie Tuuminen 

Teachers: Maarit Mäkelä, Bilge Aktas

Open: 29.10.- 08.11.2021

Opening party: Friday 29.10. 4-6pm

Place: Aalto University, Väre galleries Q109 & 010K, Otaniementie 14

You're warmly welcome!

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