
Avoin luento: The temporality of people's lives and the places they live

Stephen A. Matthews on Liberal Arts Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Demography Penn State University:stä ja vierailee Aalto-yliopistolla toukokuun lopussa. Vierailunsa aikana hän pitää vierasluennon 29. toukokuuta ja toimii vastaväittelijänä Kamyar Hasanzadeh:in väitökselle 31. toukokuuta. Tilaisuudet ovat englanniksi.

The temporality of people's lives and the places they live: Measuring exposure, access and use of places in demographic and health research

About the lecturer:
Professor Stephen A. Matthews is Liberal Arts Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Demography at Penn State University, USA.  Prof. Matthews's research interests focus on the connections between people and places. An important part of his work is an interest in conceptual and methodological issues associated with how neighborhoods are defined and their attributes are measured, and the relevance of these definitions and measures to individual behavior and demographic and health outcomes. Prof. Matthews has a longstanding interest in spatial demography and the use of spatial concepts, measures and methods to study population health and spatial inequality.

Väitös maankäytön suunnittelun ja liikennetekniikan alalta, MSc. Kamyar Hasanzadeh

Kamyar Hasanzadeh (MSc.) Aalto-yliopiston rakennetun ympäristön laitokselta väittelee 31.5.2019 kello 12.00, Kandidaattikeskuksessa.

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