
Aalto Scientific Computing - Triton kickstart

Triton High Performance Computing cluster - Winter kickstart course
Aalto Scientific Computing

Jan 2020 / Triton Winter Kickstart

Part of Scientific Computing in Practice lecture series at Aalto University.

Audience: Aalto employees and students just started on Triton.

About the course
Four hours kickstart for Aalto people to get started on Triton, a computational cluster at Aalto. Overall we give you hints, ready solutions and copy/paste examples on how to use computational and storage resources, and how to compile, run and monitor your applications.

Teaching will be interactive, “learning by doing”.

The course is obligatory for all new Triton users and recommended to all interested in the field.

Time, date: Mon 20.1, 12:00-16:30 (with a break in between)

Place: T-building, T2

Lecturering by: Science IT people

Registration: Registration link

Cost: Free of charge for FGCI consortium members including Aalto employees and students.

No-show: If you registered but then it has happened so that you can’t attend the course, please let us know!

Course prerequisite requirements and other details:

Participants will be provided with access to Triton for running examples. Participants are expected to bring their laptops with the pre-installed SSH client, capable of using a wireless net (preferably Eduroam or Aalto, otherwise Aalto Open).

  • If you do not yet have access to Triton, request an account in advance.
  • Then, try to connect to Triton to be ready.
  • If you aren’t familiar with the Linux shell, read the crash course
  • If you aren’t able to do any of these on time, don’t worry: just come early and let us know: this preparation just makes things quicker to start.

Additional course info at: Ivan Degtyarenko, ivan.degtyarenko -at- aalto.fi

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