
Yhteystiedot: NPHarvest

NPHarvest-projektin toimihenkilöt
DDI Contacts/Image of hand and phone

Follow us

NPHarvest Core Team

Juho Uzkurt Kaljunen

Head of Research

Anna Mikola

Raed Al-Juboori

 Burak Yirmibesoglu

Burak Yirmibesoglu

Federico Varalta

Business Developer

Ensisijainen yhteyshenkilö projektilla on Anna Mikola tai Riku Vahala.

Anna Mikola, TkT
[email protected]
+358 40 7176 552

Riku Vahala, Prof.
[email protected]
+358 50 5884 237

Juho Uzkurt Kaljunen, Doctoral student
[email protected]
+358 4086 11915

Ilaria Righetto, Master's student
[email protected]
+39 338 497 2807

Raed Al-Juboori, Post-Doctoral researcher
[email protected]
+ 358 41 747 3558

Projektissa aiemmin työskennelleet:

Ingrid Nobre
Tanja Pihl
Surendra Pradhan
Rajeev Sav
Irene Konola

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