Pakollinen vieras kieli
Kandidaatintutkintoon (ARTS, CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI) sisältyvissä pakollisissa vieraan kielen opinnoissa opiskelija harjoittaa työelämässä tarvittavia ja oman alan kannalta keskeisiä kirjallisia ja suullisia taitoja. Opinnot ovat edistyneellä kielen taitotasolla, vähintään CEFR-tasolla B1-B2. Englannin kielessä vaaditaan vähintään B2.
Kauppatieteen kandidaatin tutkinnon (BIZ) pakollisen vieraan kielen opinnot, ks. tarkemmin Kauppatieteiden kandidaattiohjelman opetussuunnitelma.
Kauppatieteen kandidaatin tutkinnon (BIZ) pakollisen vieraan kielen opinnot, ks. tarkemmin Kauppatieteiden kandidaattiohjelman opetussuunnitelma.
Kaikki pakollisen vieraan kielen opinnot suoritetaan samassa kielessä ja opintoihin tulee sisältyä sekä kirjallisen että suullisen taidon osuus. Pakollisen vieraan kielen opintoihin käyvien kurssien nimessä on merkintä (o) = oral skills/suulliset taidot, (w) = written skills/kirjalliset taidot tai (o,w).
Kauppatieteen kandidaatin tutkinnon (BIZ) pakollisen vieraan kielen opinnot, ks. tarkemmin Kauppatieteiden kandidaattiohjelman opetussuunnitelma.
Pakollisen vieraan kielen opintoihin kelpaavat kurssit ARTS, CHEM, ELEC, ENG ja SCI
Preparatory courses (CEFR B1)
- LC-1090 Online Preparatory English: Reading and Writing (1 cr)
- LC-1091 Online Preparatory English: Speaking and Listening (1 cr)
Bachelor's level (CEFR B2)
- LC-1114 Communicating Technology (o + w) (3 cr)
- LC-1117 Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o + w) (3 cr)
- LC-1121 Communicating Sustainable Solutions (w + o) (3 cr) (Note: CEFR C1 course)
- LC-1122 Aaltonaut Communication Skills (o, w) (3 cr)
Online courses
- LC-1110 Online Writing Skills for Engineers 1 (w) (1 cr)
- LC-1111 Online Writing Skills for Engineers 2 (w) (1 cr)
- LC-1112 Online Presentations Skills for Engineers (o) (2 cr)
- LC-1120 Online Persuasive Presentations (o) (1 cr)
Other options
- LC-1113 Autonomous Language Learning Path (o + w) (3 cr)
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of English (o + w) (3 cr)
Master's level (CEFR C1)
- LC-1310 Academic Communication for MSc Students (o + w) (3 cr)
- LC-1311 Online Academic Writing Skills for MSc Students (w) (2 cr)
- LC-1312 Online Academic Presentation Skills for MSc Students (o) (1 cr)
- LC-1322 Thesis Writing for Engineers (MSc) (w) (3 cr)
- LC-1317 Integrated Project Communication for MSc Students (o + w) 3 cr
Doctoral level (CEFR C1)
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral Research (o) (3 cr)
- LC-1333 Navigate your doctoral studies while learning about equity, diversity, and inclusion (3 cr)
- LC-1350 Writing Doctoral Research for Engineering and Science (w) (3 cr)
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o) (1 cr)
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (w, o) (2 cr)
Preparatory courses (CEFR B1)
- LC-1090 Online Preparatory English: Reading and Writing (1 cr)
- LC-1091 Online Preparatory English: Speaking and Listening (1 cr)
Bachelor's level (CEFR B2)
Blended courses (mix of face-to-face and online)
- LCA-1001 Expressing your idea (o,w) (3 cr)
- LCA-1002 Expressing your expertise (o,w) (3 cr)
- LCA1003 Online English: Reading, Summarizing and Pitching (o, w) (3 cr)
- LC-1117 Integrated oral & written skills (o,w) (3 cr)
- LC-1122 Aaltonaut Communication Skills (o,w) (3 cr)
Online courses
- LCA-1110 A digital presence in English (w) (3 cr)
- LCA-1003 Online English: Reading, Summarizing and Pitching (o, w) (3 cr)
Other options
- LCA-1015 Autonomous Language Learning Path (o + w) (3 cr)
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of English (o + w) (3 cr)
Master's level (CEFR C1)
- LCA-1020 Academic Communication for Master’s Students (o + w) (3 cr)
- LCA-1022 Academic Writing (w) (3 cr)
- LC-1315 Tools for Master's Thesis (3 cr)
Doctoral level (CEFR C1)
- LCA-1050 Writing Doctoral Research for Arts (w) (3 cr)
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral Research (o) (3 cr)
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o)
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (w, o) (2 cr)
Non-specified (CEFR level varies)
Some courses are also organized by the Department of Management Studies. See English Business Communication.
Preparatory courses (CEFR B1)
- LC-1090 Online Preparatory English: Reading and Writing (1 cr)
- LC-1091 Online Preparatory English: Speaking and Listening (1 cr)
Bachelor's level (CEFR B2)
Blended courses (mix of face-to-face and online)
- LC-1121 Communicating Sustainable Solutions (w + o)(3 cr) (Note: CEFR C1 course)
- LC-1122 Aaltonaut Communication Skills (o, w) (3 cr)
Other options
Master's level (CEFR C1)
Doctoral level (CEFR C1)
- LCB-1350 Writing Doctoral Research for Business and Management (w) (3 cr)
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral Research (o) (3 cr)
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o)
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (w,o) (2 cr)
See also
- LC-8555 Venäjä 5 (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8566 Venäjä 6 (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8577 Venäjä 7 (o,w) 3 op
- LC-8581 Venäjä 8 Venäjänkielinen yritysviestintä A (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8582 Venäjä 8 Venäjänkielinen yritysviestintä B (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8583 Venäjä 8 Alakohtaista venäjää (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8591 Venäjä 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers A (o,w), 3 op
- LC-8592 Venäjä 9 Russian Business Communication for Native Speakers B (o,w), 3 op
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