Tua Björklund

Tua Björklund

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
T212 Mechanical Engineering

Tua is the director of Aalto University Design Factory, a multidisciplinary platform for experimentation and co-creation. As an assistant professor in creative practices in engineering, her work revolves around understanding, teaching and developing innovation efforts, turning ideas into improvements in organizations and education. She combines engineering design with organizational psychology, her work spanning from design thinking and product development to new venture creation. Tua is the teacher-in-charge of the master's level product development major and minor in Aalto and the Product Development Project.

In addition to her work at Aalto University, Tua is a deputy editor at the Journal of Engineering Education. She has a DSc degree in industrial management from the Aalto University School of Science, and an MA degree in cognitive science from the University of Helsinki. In addition to the Design Factory, Tua has worked as a visiting Fulbright scholar at the Center for Design Research at Stanford University.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Opportunities from adversity : The enabling impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for the actions of Finnish and Californian food and beverage ventures

Erika Perttunen, Summer D. Jung, Maria Talvinko, Tua A. Björklund 2024 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

It ain't over till it's over: Adjusting the intensity and conformity of championing efforts after initial failure

Antti Surma-aho, Senni Kirjavainen, Tua Björklund 2024 Creativity and Innovation Management

Moments that Matter : Early-Career Experiences of Diverse Engineers on Different Career Pathways

Floris van der Marel, Tua Björklund, Sheri Sheppard 2024 Engineering Studies

1st Design Factory Global Network Research Conference ‘Designing the Future’ 5-6 October 2022

Tua Björklund, Peter Joore, Saku Mäkinen, Christine Thong, Eduardo Zancul 2023

The dynamics of innovation efforts in the early career

Tua A. Björklund, Shannon K. Gilmartin, Sheri D. Sheppard 2023 Creativity and Innovation Management


Vikki Eriksson, Teo Keipi, Tua Björklund 2023 Proceedings of the Design Society

Identifying and framing potential stakeholders in complex innovation ecosystems

Vikki Eriksson, Teo Keipi, Tua Björklund 2023 CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation

Identifying and framing potential stakeholders in complex innovation ecosystems

Vikki Eriksson, Teo Keipi, Tua Björklund 2023 2nd Design Factory Research Conference

Facing extreme uncertainty–how the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced product development

Katja Hölttä-Otto, Tua Björklund, Monika Klippert, Kevin Otto, Dieter Krause, Claudia Eckert, Oscar Nespoli, Albert Albers 2023 International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation

Prototyping in practice – Paths and partners for testing novel industrial product and service ideas

Senni Kirjavainen, Simo Lahdenne, Tua Björklund 2023 CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation