Tomi Kauppinen
Head, Aalto Online Learning
Head, Aalto Online Learning
U902 Learning Services
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
, 113 Tietojenkäsittely ja informaatiotieteet, 222 Muu tekniikka, 1171 Geotieteet, 516 Kasvatustieteet, Laskennallinen data-analyysi, Ohjelmistotekniikka, käyttöjärjestelmät, ihminen-kone -vuorovaikutus, Tietojärjestelmätiede, Geoinformatiikka, Aikuiskasvatustiede
EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award 2020
Designing Digital Higher Education: Case Aalto Online Learning by Tomi Kauppinen, Yulia Guseva and Sara Gottschalk got the EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award 2020 in EUNIS 2020 Congress
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Jun 2020
2016 Learning Contribution Achievement Award 2016
The 2016 Learning Contribution Achievement Award was given to Tomi Kauppinen and Lauri Malmi, who had headed the Aalto Online Learning digitalization project in an exemplary manner. The contributions of Kauppinen and Malmi created operations models used to develop teaching in Aalto. Also, thanks to their work, the digitalization of Aalto’s teaching advanced leaps and bounds in a very pedagogically sound manner.
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta
Professorship Malmi L.
May 2017
Humanizing online learning for enhanced engagement and participation
Tomi Kauppinen, Valeriya Azovskaya, Taija Votkin, Tuuli Metsäkoivu, Teresa Rizzi, Edward Morrell
IFE Conference Proceedings, Libro de Contribuciones, Educational trends, numero 1, Mexico
Tomi Kauppinen, Laura Sivula
Design Education Across Disciplines
Design Education Across Disciplines : Transformative Learning Experiences for the 21st Century
Miikka J. Lehtonen, Tomi Kauppinen, Laura Sivula
Promotypes - Prototyping Games for a University Game Production Pipeline
Edward Morrell, Annakaisa Kultima, Ylva Grufstedt, Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, FDG 2023
Designing Virtual Toolboxes to Guide Educators in Creating Online Learning
Lea Blecher, Lara Riefle, Tomi Kauppinen
The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research - 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2022, Proceedings
Creating a production pipeline for 360° learning environments
David Derichs, Sofia Sevon, Taija Votkin, Tomi Kauppinen
14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Developing a Game Production Pipeline for University Educators
Ylva Grufstedt, Tomi Kauppinen, Annakaisa Kultima
Expert-Driven (Online) Game Jams for (Game) Design Education
Annakaisa Kultima, Ville Kankainen, Solip Park, Riikka Aurava, Laura Piispanen, Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events, ICGJ 2021
Challenge-derived design practices for a semantic gazetteer for medieval and early modern places
Philipp Schneider, Jim Jones, Torsten Hiltmann, Tomi Kauppinen
Semantic Web
Daniel Garijo, Natalia Villanueva-Rosales, Tomi Kauppinen
Semantic Web
Special issue on Semantic eScience: Methods, tools and applications
Daniel Garijo, Natalia Villanueva-Rosales, Tomi Kauppinen
Semantic Web
Designing Digital Higher Education: Case Aalto Online Learning
Tomi Kauppinen, Yulia Guseva, Sara Gottschalk
European Journal of Higher Education IT
Designing Games as Playable Concepts: Five Design Values for Tiny Embedded Educational Games
Annakaisa Kultima, Solip Park, Christina Lassheikki, Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings of DiGRA 2020
Recognition of prior learning of English
Diane Pilkinton-Pihko, Jaana Suviniitty, Tomi Kauppinen
Language Learning in Higher Education
A comparison of geovisualizations and data tables for transparency enablement in the open government data landscape
Auriol Degbelo, Jonas Wissing, Tomi Kauppinen
International Journal of Electronic Government Research
Increasing Transparency through Web Maps
Auriol Degbelo, Tomi Kauppinen
The Web Conference 2018 - Companion of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2018
Learning in the Era of Online Videos: How to Improve Teachers’ Competencies of Producing Educational Videos
Yulia Guseva, Tomi Kauppinen
4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD'18)
Supporting understanding of students’ learning via visual self-assessment
Ville Kivimäki, Joonas Pesonen, Jani Romanoff, Heikki Remes, Tomi Kauppinen
Transforming the learning and educational culture at a university
Lauri Malmi, Tomi Kauppinen, Kirsti Keltikangas, Päivi Kinnunen
Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018
Reasoning on human experiences of indoor environments using semantic web technologies
H. Qiu, G. F. Schneider, T. Kauppinen, S. Rudolph, S. Steiger
Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2018
Enabling Open Semantic Science (SemSci 2017)
Daniel Garijo, Willem Robert van Hage, Tomi Kauppinen, Tobias Kuhn, Jun Zhao
Jim Jones, Diego De Siqueira Braga, Kleber Tertuliano, Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2017
Aalto Online Learning - a pathway to reforming education at the Aalto University
Tomi Kauppinen, Lauri Malmi
EUNIS 2017 – Shaping the Digital Future of Universities
A survey of people movement analytics studies in the context of smart cities
Elena Simona Lohan, Tomi Kauppinen, Sree Bash Chandra Debnath
Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Open Innovations Association, FRUCT 2016
Aalto Online Learning etsii uudenlaista kulttuuria oppimiseen ja opetukseen
Lauri Malmi, Tomi Kauppinen
Ammattikasvatuksen Aikakauskirja
Around the world in 36 hours - Understanding the dynamics of the global product design relay marathon
T. Tuulos, T. Kauppinen, L. R. Ivorra Peñafort, D. I. Riveros Ospina
Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017 - Education Excellence for Sustainability, SEFI 2017
Teaching Spatial Thinking from Interdisciplinary Perspective Workshop (introduction)
Heather Burte, Tomi Kauppinen, Mary Hegarty
Teaching Spatial Thinking from Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TSTIP 2015)
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Linked Science 2015 – Best Practices and the Road Ahead (LISC 2015) co-located with 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015)
Tomi Kauppinen
A Theoretical Model for the Associative Nature of Conference Participation
Jelena Smiljanić, Arnab Chatterjee, Tomi Kauppinen, Marija Mitrović Dankulov
PloS one
Visualisation de localisations géographiques à partir de corpus scientifiques
Iana Atanassova, Marc Bertin, Tomi Kauppinen
Gestion et Analyse des données Spatiales et Temporelles (GAST'2015), 15ème conférence internationale sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances (EGC-2015)
Workshop summary: Workshop on Semantics and Analytics for Emergency Response (SAFE2015)
Eva Blomqvist, Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Tomi Kauppinen, Carsten Kessler
12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Kristiansand, Norway, May 24--27 2015
Heather Burte, Tomi Kauppinen, Mary Hegarty
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Teaching spatial thinking from interdisciplinary perspectives workshop
Heather Burte, Tomi Kauppinen, Mary Hegarty
Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching Spatial Thinking from Interdisciplinary Perspectives co-located with Conference on Spatial Information Theory XII (COSIT 2015)
Joint Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semantic Sentiment Analysis (SSA2014), and the Workshop on Social Media and Linked Data for Emergency Response (SMILE 2014) co-located with 11th European Semantic Web Conference
Aldo Gangemi, Harith Alani, Malvina Nissim, Erik Cambria, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Tomi Kauppinen
Situation Awareness in Crowdsensing for Disease Surveillance in Crisis Situations
Peter Haddawy, Lutz Frommberger, Tomi Kauppinen, Giorgio De Felice, Prae Charkratpahu, Sirawaratt Saengpao, Phanumas Kanchanakitsakul
The Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), Singapore, May 15-18 2015
Introduction to VISUAL 2014-Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Knowledge Engineering and Linked Data Analytics
Valentina Ivanova, Tomi Kauppinen, Steffen Lohmann, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Catia Pesquita, Kai Xu
Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Knowledge Engineering and Linked Data Analytics (EKAW 2014 Satellite Events)
Valentina Ivanova, Tomi Kauppinen, Steffen Lohmann, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Catia Pesquita, Kai Xu
Contextual Information: Lenses for Observing the Data Universe
Krzysztof Janowicz, Tomi Kauppinen, Sven Schade, Andrea Ballatore, Grant McKenzie
Workshop on Geographic Information Observatories 2015, collocated with the Conference On Spatial Information Theory (COSIT) 2015
Linked Science Enablement via Semantic Interoperability and Spatial Data Mining
Tomi Kauppinen
Proceedings of the 2nd Data Management Workshop
Linked open data university of münster – infrastructure and applications
Carsten Keßler, Tomi Kauppinen
The Semantic Web
SAPOn nykytila, ylläpito ja laajennusmahdollisuudet
Jari Väätäinen, Tomi Kauppinen
Benjamin Adams, Krzysztof Janowicz, Grant McKenzie, Tomi Kauppinen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Ambiguity and Plausibility: Managing Classification Quality in Volunteered Geographic Information
Ahmed Loai Ali, Falko Schmid, Rami Al-Salman, Tomi Kauppinen
ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2014 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2014)
VGI Edit History Reveals Data Trustworthiness and User Reputation
Fausto "D'Antonio", Paolo Fogliaroni, Tomi Kauppinen
17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place, Castellon, Spain, June 2014
Supporting Visual Exploration of Inter-organization Collaboration
Salli Hukkinen, Tomi Kauppinen
Workshop on Human-Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI14), Anissaras, Crete, Greece
Valentina Ivanova, Tomi Kauppinen, Steffen Lohmann, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Catia Pesquita, Kai Xu
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Knowledge Engineering and Linked Data Analytics co-located with 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering
Valentina Ivanova, Tomi Kauppinen, Steffen Lohmann, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Catia Pesquita, Kai Xu
Proceedings of the Workshop on Geographic Information Observatories 2014
Krzysztof Janowicz, Benjamin Adams, Grant McKenzie, Tomi Kauppinen
Towards Geographic Information Observatories
Krzysztof Janowicz, Benjamin Adams, Grant McKenzie, Tomi Kauppinen
Workshop on Geographic Information Observatories 2014, Vienna, September, 2014
Capturing and Linking Human Sensor Observations with YouSense
Tomi Kauppinen, Evgenia Litvinova, Jan Kallenbach
ISWC 2014 Posters & Demonstrations Track, a track within the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy, October, 2014
Linked Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Data
Tomi Kauppinen, Giovana Mira de Espindola, Jim Jones, Alber Sanchez, Benedikt Gräler, Thomas Bartoschek
Semantic Web
Linked Earth: Supporting Understanding of the Phenomena that Shape the Earth
Tomi Kauppinen
2014 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS '14), ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Linked Data -- A Paradigm Shift for Geographic Information Science
Werner Kuhn, Tomi Kauppinen, Krzysztof Janowicz
The Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience2014), Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Tomi Kauppinen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Visualizing and Animating Large-scale Spatiotemporal Data with ELBAR Explorer
Suvodeep Mazumdar, Tomi Kauppinen
ISWC 2014 Posters & Demonstrations Track, a track within the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014)
Design and Development of a Linked Open Data-Based Health Information Representation and Visualization System: Potentials and Preliminary Evaluation
Binyam Tilahun, Tomi Kauppinen, Carsten Kessler, Fleur Fritz
JMIR Medical Informatics
Jun Zhao, Marieke Van Erp, Carsten Keßler, Tomi Kauppinen, Jacco Van Ossenbruggen, Willem Robert Van Hage
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Linked Science 2014 - Making Sense Out of Data (LISC2014), co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014)
Jun Zhao, Marieke van Erp, Carsten Kessler, Tomi Kauppinen, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Willem Robert van Hage
Exploring the Linked University Data With Visualization Tools
Miika Alonen, Tomi Kauppinen, Osma Suominen, Eero Hyvönen
The 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013), Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013
Gestural Interaction with Spatiotemporal Linked Open Data
Thomas Bartoschek, Gerald Pape, Christian Kray, Jim Jones, Tomi Kauppinen
OSGeo Journal
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Linked Science 2013--Supporting Reproducibility, Scientific Investigations and Experiments (LISC)
Paul Groth, Marieke van Erp, Tomi Kauppinen, Jun Zhao, Carsten Kessler, Line C. Pouchard, Carole Goble, Yolanda Gil, Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Linked Science: Interconnecting Scientific Assets
Tomi Kauppinen, Alkyoni Baglatzi, Carsten Keßler
Data Intensive Science
Linking and visualizing social media data about crises
Tomi Kauppinen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
SMARTMUSEUM: A mobile recommender system for the Web of Data
Tuukka Ruotsalo, Krister Haav, Antony Stoyanov, Sylvain Roche, Elena Fani, Romina Deliai, Eetu Makela, Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvonen
Journal of Web Semantics
Managing and Representing Scientific Findings about the Environment
Alkyoni Baglatzi, Tomi Kauppinen
The 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012), Vol. 7603, Galway City, Ireland, October 8-12, 2012
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Linked Science 2012 - Tackling Big Data, vol. 951, ISSN 1613-0073
Tomi Kauppinen, Line C. Pouchard, Carsten Kessler
spatial@linkedscience - Exploring the research field of GIScience with linked data
Carsten Keßler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Tomi Kauppinen
Geographic Information Science - 7th International Conference, GIScience 2012, Proceedings
Intuitive and natural interfaces for geospatial data classification
Falko Schmid, Oliver Kutz, Lutz Frommberger, Till Mossakowski, Tomi Kauppinen, Chunyuan Cai
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Representing and Utilizing Changing Historical Places as an Ontology Time Series
Eero Hyvönen, Jouni Tuominen, Tomi Kauppinen, Jari Väätäinen
Geospatial Semantics and Semantic Web: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications.
Linked open science-communicating, sharing and evaluating data, methods and results for executable papers
Tomi Kauppinen, Giovana Mira De Espindola
Crowdsourcing Linked Open data for disaster management
Jens Ortmann, Minu Limbu, Dong Wang, Tomi Kauppinen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Determining Relevance of Imprecise Temporal Intervals for Cultural Heritage Information Retrieval
Tomi Kauppinen, Glauco Mantegari, Panu Paakkarinen, Heini Kuittinen, Eero Hyvönen, Stefania Bandini
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Geospatio-temporal semantic web for cultural heritage
Tomi Kauppinen, Panu Paakkarinen, Eetu Mäkelä, Jari Väätäinen, Eero Hyvönen
Digital Culture and E-Tourism: Technologies, Applications and Management Approaches
Methods for creating and using geospatio-temporal semantic web
Tomi Kauppinen
Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Alm, Jussi Kurki, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Katri Seppälä, Joeli Takala, Kimmo Puputti, Heini Kuittinen, Kim Viljanen, Jouni Tuominen, Tuomas Palonen, Matias Frosterus, Reetta Sinkkilä, Panu Paakkarinen, Joonas Laitio, Katariina Nyberg
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
CultureSampo - Finnish Cultural Heritage Collections on the Semantic Web 2.0
Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Alm, Jussi Kurki, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Katri Seppälä, Joeli Takala, Kimmo Puputti, Heini Kuittinen, Kim Viljanen, Jouni Tuominen, Tuomas Palonen, Matias Frosterus, Reetta Sinkkilä, Panu Paakkarinen, Joonas Laitio, Katariina Nyberg
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Cultures (DH-JAC-2009), Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, March, 2009
CultureSampo - Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web 2.0.Thematic Perspectives for the End-user
Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Alm, Jussi Kurki, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Katri Seppälä, Joeli Takala, Kimmo Puputti, Heini Kuittinen, Kim Viljanen, Jouni Tuominen, Tuomas Palonen, Matias Frosterus, Reetta Sinkkilä, Panu Paakkarinen, Joonas Laitio, Katariina Nyberg
Proceedings, Museums and the Web 2009, Indianapolis, USA, April 15-18, 2009
Learning and Visualizing Cultural Heritage Connections between Places on the Semantic Web
Tomi Kauppinen, Kimmo Puputti, Panu Paakkarinen, Heini Kuittinen, Jari Väätäinen, Eero Hyvönen
The 6th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2009), May 31 - June 4, 2009
SmartMuseum Knowledge Exchange Platform for Cross-European Cultural Content Integration and Mobile Publication
Tomi Kauppinen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Frédéric Weis, Sylvain Roche, Marco Berni, Eetu Mäkelä, Nima Dokoohaki, Eero Hyvönen
Proceedings of the CULTURAL HERITAGE on line Empowering users: an active role for user communities, December 15-16, Florence, Italy, 2009
Smartmuseum: Personalized Context-aware Access to Digital Cultural Heritage
Tuukka Ruotsalo, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen, Krister Haav, Ville Rantala, Matias Frosterus, Nima Dokoohaki, Mihhail Matskin
Proceedings of the International Conferences on Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web 2009 (ICSD2009), 7-11 September 2009. Trento, Italy
AJAX widget for semantic query expansion
Jouni Tuominen, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen, Eero Hyvönen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Ontology-Based Query Expansion Widget for Information Retrieval
Jouni Tuominen, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen, Eero Hyvönen
6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009), Heraklion, Greece, May 31 - June 4, 2009
Core Geographical Concepts: Case Finnish Geo-Ontology
Riikka Henriksson, Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
Location and the Web (LocWeb) 2008 workshop, 17th International World Wide Web Conference WWW 2008, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 300, Beijing, China, April 21-25, 2008
CultureSampo-Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web
Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Alm, Jussi Kurki, Joeli Takala, Kimmo Puputti, Heini Kuittinen
CULTURESAMPO - Finnish culture on the Semantic Web
Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Alm, Jussi Kurki, Joeli Takala, Kimmo Puputti, Heini Kuittinen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Creating and Using Geospatial Ontology Time Series in a Semantic Cultural Heritage Portal
Tomi Kauppinen, Jari Väätäinen, Eero Hyvönen
Proceedings of the 5th European Semantic Web Conference 2008 ESWC 2008, LNCS 5021, Tenerife, Spain, Springer-Verlag, June 1-5, 2008
Extending an Ontology by Analyzing Annotation Co-occurrences in a Semantic Cultural Heritage Portal
Tomi Kauppinen, Heini Kuittinen, Jouni Tuominen, Katri Seppälä, Eero Hyvönen
Proceedings of the ASWC 2008 Workshop on Collective Intelligence (ASWC-CI 2008) organized as a part of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, December 8-11, 2008
Ontology-based Disambiguation of Spatiotemporal Locations
Tomi Kauppinen, Riikka Henriksson, Reetta Sinkkilä, Robin Lindroos, Jari Väätäinen, Eero Hyvönen
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Identity and Reference on the Semantic Web (IRSW2008), 5th European Semantic Web Conference 2008 (ESWC 2008), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, June 1-5, 2008
Ontology-based Approach for Interoperability of Digital Collections
Tuukka Ruotsalo, Katri Seppälä, Kim Viljanen, Eetu Mäkelä, Jussi Kurki, Olli Alm, Tomi Kauppinen, Jouni Tuominen, Matias Frosterus, Reetta Sinkkilä, Eero Hyvönen
Combining context navigation with semantic autocompletion to solve problems in concept selection
Reetta Sinkkilä, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
An Ontology-driven Approach for Spatial Data Quality Evaluation
Riikka Henriksson, Tomi Kauppinen
5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2007) Theme_Modelling Qualities in Space and Time, Internatiional Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede
Ontologioilla paikkatietojen sisältö hallintaan
Riikka Henriksson, Tomi Kauppinen
An ontology service for geographical content
Eero Hyvönen, Robin Lindroos, Tomi Kauppinen, Riikka Henriksson
CultureSampo-Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web: The Vision and First Results
Eero Hyvönen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Thomas Häggström, Mirva Salminen, Miikka Junnila, Mikko Virkkilä, Mikko Haaramo, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen
Information Technology for the Virtual Museum
Elements of a national semantic web infrastructure - Case study Finland on the semantic web
Eero Hyvönen, Kim Viljanen, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Onni Valkeapää, Katri Seppälä, Osma Suominen, Olli Alm, Robin Lindroos, Teppo Känsälä, Riikka Henriksson, Matias Frosterus, Jouni Tuominen, Reetta Sinkkilä, Jussi Kurki
ICSC 2007 International Conference on Semantic Computing
Modeling and Reasoning about Changes in Ontology Time Series
Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
Integrated Series in Information Systems
Temp-O-Map: Ontology-based Search and Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Maps
Tomi Kauppinen, Christine Deichstetter, Eero Hyvönen
Demo track at the European Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, June 4-5, 2007
ONKI-Paikka: An Ontology Service for Geographical Data
Robin Lindroos, Tomi Kauppinen, Riikka Henriksson, Eero Hyvönen
Demo track at the European Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, June 4-5, 2007
Enabling the Semantic Web with ready-to-use Web widgets
Eetu Mäkelä, Kim Viljanen, Olli Alm, Jouni Tuominen, Onni Valkeapää, Tomi Kauppinen, Jussi Kurki, Reetta Sinkkilä, Teppo Känsälä, Robin Lindroos, Osma Suominen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Eero Hyvönen
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
CultureSampo-Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web: The Vision and First Results
Eero Hyvönen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Thomas Häggström, Mirva Salminen, Miikka Junnila, Mikko Virkkilä, Mikko Haaramo, Eetu Mäkelä, Tomi Kauppinen, Kim Viljanen
Proceedings of the 12th Finnish AI Conference STeP 2006, vol. 2, Conference series no. 20. October 26-27, Vantaa, Finland 2006
Developments in Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web - Proceedings of the 12th Finnish AI Conference STeP 2006. Finland, October 26-27, 2006
Eero Hyvönen, Tomi Kauppinen, Jukka Kortela, Mikko Laukkanen, Tapani Raiko, Kim Viljanen
Ontology-based Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Spatio-temporal Knowledge
Tomi Kauppinen, Riikka Henriksson, Jari Väätäinen, Christine Deichstetter, Eero Hyvönen
Proceedings of the 12th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2006, vol. 2, Conference series no. 20. October 26-27, Vantaa, Finland 2006
XML - The Enabling Technology for Integrating Business Processes
Anneli Heimbürger, Tomi Kauppinen, Harri Lehtinen, Jari Multisilta, Matti Paajanen, Kimmo . Rytkönen
Creating a National Content and Service Infrastructure for the Semantic Web
Eero Hyvönen, Arttu Valo, Katri Seppälä, Tomi Kauppinen, Ville Komulainen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Mirva Salminen, Anu Ylisalmi
Finnish National Ontologies for the Semantic Web - Towards a Content and Service Infrastructure
Eero Hyvönen, Arttu Valo, Ville Komulainen, Katri Seppälä, Tomi Kauppinen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Mirva Salminen, Anu Ylisalmi
Proceedings of International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2005), Nov, 2005
Geospatial Reasoning over Ontology Changes in Time
Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
In Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-05, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 30 - August 5 2005
Modelling Coverage Between Geospatial Resources
Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
Speech Recognition Reduces Dictation Process
Tomi Kauppinen, Pentti Korhonen, Olli Tolkki, Juhani Ahovuo
European Radiology Conference, Wien, Austria, March 2005
Tiedon Mallintaminen Semanttisessa Webissä
Tomi Kauppinen, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Mirva Salminen
Using speech recognition reduces time slot between imaging and final report
Tomi Kauppinen, Olli Tolkki, Pentti Korhonen, Juhani Ahovuo
European Congress of Radiology, 2005.
Process oriented organisation in the regional PACS environment
Juhani Ahovuo, Olli Tolkki, Tomi Kauppinen, Nina Fyhr, Jaakko Kujala
EuroPACS-MIR in the Enlarged Europe: Management in Radiology Conference, Trieste, Italy, September 2004
Proceedings of the 11th Finnish AI Conference, vol 2.
E. Hyvönen, T. Kauppinen, M. Salminen, P. Ala-Siuru
Älyä verkossa - Web Intelligence, Symposio Suomen Tekoälytutkimuksen päivillä 2004 (STeP 2004) 2.-3.9.2004, Tiedekeskus Heureka, Vantaa, Suomi
Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2004, volume 2, Vantaa, Finland, September 1-3, 2004
Eero Hyvönen, Tomi Kauppinen, Mirva Salminen, Kim Viljanen, Pekka Ala-Siuru
Web Intelligence-Proceedings of the 11th Finnish AI Conference
Eero Hyvönen, Tomi Kauppinen, Mirva Salminen, Kim Viljanen, Pekka Ala-Siuru
Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Ontology Versions
Tomi Kauppinen, Eero Hyvönen
Älyä verkossa - Web Intelligence, Tiedekeskus Heureka, Vantaa, 2.-3.9.2004
Patient in process, benefits of reduced throughput time - case HUSpacs
Olli Tolkki, Juhani Ahovuo, Tomi Kauppinen, Nina Fyhr, Jaakko Kujala, Petri Parvinen
EuroPACS-MIR 2004 in the Enlarged Europe: EuroPACS Management in Radiology Conference, Trieste, Italy, September 2004