Aalto Built Environment Laboratory

ABE:n tarina

Vuoden 2012 keväällä kiinteistötalouden, suunnittelun ja geoinformatiikan laitos ja konetekniikan laitos alkoivat suunnitella tilaa, joka tarjoaisi huipputason menetelmät ja työkalut rakennetun ympäristön suunnitteluun ja tutkimiseen.

Aalto University / Demonstrating a 3D model Aalto Built Environment Laboratory

Laboratoriossa on tilat ja teknologiat rakennetun ympäristön vuorovaikutteiselle ja ihmiskeskeiselle yhteiskehittämiselle. ABE:n tarkoituksena on tutkia uusia digitaalisesti tuettuja ja vuorovaikutteisia suunnittelumenetelmiä. Mallinnus- ja simulointiteknologioita, prosessimallinnusta ja visualisointia kehitetään tukemaan päätöksentekoa ja ideoiden, visioiden ja suunnitelmien esittämistä. ABE toimii työskentelyalustana monialaisille työryhmille ja eri taustoista tuleville ihmisille, joilla on yhteinen päämäärä.

Aalto Built Environment -laboratorio


Seuraavat hankkeet ovat käyttäneet ABE:n alustaa, tekniikkaa tai asiantuntemusta. Hankkeet on toteutettu eri tutkimusryhmissä ja rahoitettu eri lähteistä. Hankkeita yhdistää uusien menetelmien kehittäminen ja käyttäminen rakennetun ympäristön tutkimiseen ja kehittämiseen.

Application for Participatory Urban Planning

Plan-P is an easy-to-use application for building 3D city plans and visualizing their impacts. It resembles city building games, but focuses on real city planning principles instead of entertainment. The idea of the tool is to generate discussion and participation in the visioning phase and in the general planning phase of a city area. It is an easily approachable and visually interesting way for non-professionals to participate in the discussion and create alternative city visions.

Aalto Built Environment Laboratory / Application for Participatory Urban Planning

Agent-based Modelling in Urban Planning

Jyrki Vanamo’s prototype demonstrates how agent-based modelling could help urban planners in their work. The prototype can be used to calculate a range of possible design solutions based on some initial data. Andreas Hall’s diagrams visualize the system architecture of the prototype making its operational logic accessible to the potential users. The prototype was created as part of PEKA research project funded by TEKES.

Aalto Built Environment Laboratory / Otaniemi walks

Campus Development

One of the objectives of Aalto Built Environment Lab is to study and develop new approaches to the urban planning process. Presently, ABE is focusing on the development of the Otaniemi area as a case study. The area is currently going through many significant changes which makes it an ideal living lab.

Aalto Built Environment Laboratory / Otaniemi walks

Exploring a new medium for storytelling

Otaniemi Walks is a Master’s thesis and an interactive 3D storytelling debut by Elisa Andretti. Andretti’s thesis was set to find out “Which are the processes capable of turning Otaniemi into Finland’s leading sustainable campus by 2020?” The end product was a facilitating tool in the form of a visual story for different players in the process to find a common ground.

Otaniemi walks Elisa Andretti

Prototyping Future Service Environments

Future is here. Virtually. Ilkka Kelaranta and Olli Poutanen studied in their Creative Sustainability master’s theses how to utilize virtual experience prototyping in testing future service environments. Poutanen, a researcher of kinesthetic experience, and Kelaranta, an industrial designer with a gaming background, combined their expertise to create and test a novel tool for service design.

Aalto Built Environment Laboratory / Otaniemi Walks 3D immersive installation

Game Design Meets Cruise Ship Design

Proteus is a new kind of tool for planning cruise ship interior layouts. The tool uses game design elements and methodology to improve upon current processes in cruise ship design. The tool was created as a part of master's thesis of Reina Magica, a graduate in New Media Game Design and Production at Aalto University.

Aalto Built Environment Laboratory / Cruise ship design
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