

Tutustu DICTION - konsortion piirissä tehtyjen tutkimusten loppuraportteihin.

The DiCtion project investigated various ways to achieve the shared situation picture. A key challenge that we explored was that different project stakeholders have their own view of the construction schedule because they are thinking in terms of their own work. In earlier attempts to resolve this, rigid approaches have been implemented, for example by forcing everyone to follow the same breakdown of work and locations. However, this rigid breakdown does not work well for any one of the parties and results in difficulties in updating information or adapting to changes. Our goal was to allow freedom of action for each stakeholder and to be able to combine the freely generated information into one, shared, project situation picture to enable collabora- tive planning. This required research and development related to developing underlying data models, creating the rules necessary for integrating information on a construction project level, enabling freedom and collaboration in planning future work, and finally finding out in real time what has happened before.

The goal of work packages B and C was to identify a common generic data model for creating, sharing and managing workflow data (WP B) and identifying new ways of planning (WP C). The work packages turned out to be tightly interrelated, so their results are reported in one report. It was necessary to start by looking at decentralized planning and how plans are currently done on different levels, to figure out what is critical on the data model side.

Situation picture can be understood as integration between theoretical plans and actual progress on site. While the traditional process digitalizes information by human entry based on perceptions, new technology allows automated data acquisition by sensoring and computer vision and comparisons to theoretical plans. Situation picture emerges by comparing plans with reality and alerting decision makers of any deviations.

Report on Business Models for Linked Building Data

Diction – Prerequisites for digitalizing construction workflows

Overcoming the productivity problem in construction

Report on DiCtion WP D Engineer-to-order supply chains and logistics processes

Diction - Deliverable DA.2

Shared situation picture

Requirements for architecture and ontology for information sharing

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