
ViCCA syyslukukauden lopputyöesitykset, 26-27. marraskuuta 2020

ViCCA (Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art) maisteriopiskelijat esittävät lopputyötutkimuksiaan verkkotapahtumassa.
Orange and brown circles from the background of this poster with the names and topics of the upcoming MA ViCCA presentees

The thesis presentation is the last component of the Masters programme and is an opportunity to see the research being conducted by our current students. This month's presentations are a combination of submissions in Finnish and English, and cover a breadth of themes concerning visual culture, curating and contemporary art.

Tule mukaan verkossa:

Torstai 26.11.2020
Meeting ID: 628 2505 1221

Perjantai 27.11.2020
Meeting ID: 615 0896 0671

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