
Väitös teknillisen fysiikan alalta, M.Sc. Fahime Seyedheydari

Väitöskirjan nimi: Electromagnetic Response of Metal-Semiconductor-Oxide Particles in the Near-Infrared Regime

Vastaväittäjä: apulaisprofessori Samel Arslanagic, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Tanska
Kustos: professori Tapio Ala-Nissilä, Aalto-yliopiston perustieteiden korkeakoulu, teknillisen fysiikan laitos

Väitös järjestetään etäyhteydellä Zoomissa: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64481748586

Väitöskirja on julkisesti nähtävillä 10 päivää ennen väitöstä Aalto-yliopiston julkaisuarkiston verkkoriiputussivulla.

Elektroninen väitöskirja


Light scattering is one of the most powerful techniques for investigating the properties of particulate systems. The goal of this thesis was to predict the optical properties of particles by light scattering using theoretical and computational modeling. The emphasis was on certain range of sizes and shapes of particles. We restricted ourselves to some materials from the family of metals, semiconductors, and oxides. We presented the results based on numerical simulations to understand the characteristics of the nanoparticle. In terms of electromagnetic response, these particles have a wide range of differences due to their size, shape and material. Our results demonstrated that these features are the key component to change the optical properties. We then examined layers containing the nanoparticles as the final step in our investigation. These layers could be manufactured to harness the light scattering capabilities of the particles at low cost. Such layers also can be promising candidates for solar cells, sensors, and related applications.

Väittelijän yhteystiedot: [email protected], +358449866992

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