
Väitös organisaatioviestinnän aineesta, KTM, HuK Visa Penttilä

Väitöskirjan nimi on "Texts on CSR and Business Ethics: Framings, Aspirations and Self-Relations".
Visa Penttilä's dissertation 20.3.2020 at 12.00

The doctoral dissertation of Visa Penttilä, Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts, "Texts on CSR and Business Ethics: Framings, Aspirations and Self-Relations" will be publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business on Friday, March 20, 2020. 

The public defense will be organized via remote technology. Join Zoom meeting here: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/291565537

The members of the audience are advised to turn off their video and microphone in Zoom to ensure a smooth connection without any extra noise. Please join the remote meeting at noon and avoid popping in later. 
NB. It is possible that we may lose connection during the public examination, and need to limit the size of audience for technical reasons. Thank you for your understanding.

Opponent: Professor Lars Thøger Christensen (Copenhagen Business School)
Custos (Chairperson): Assistant Professor Kirsi Eräranta (Aalto University School of Business)

Further information:

Visa Penttilä

[email protected]


The doctoral dissertation will be online at aaltodoc.aalto.fi by the defense.

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