
Urban Tech Helsinki – Valentine's Day

Etsitkö täydellistä startup-matchia? Tule mukaan Urban Tech Helsingin Valentine's Day -tapahtumaan!

Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen. Lisää informaatiota englanniksi alla.

Urban Tech Helsinki is looking for you! Our second call for startups is now open. We want to show you how Helsinki and Finland are helping out sustainable startups who want to make an impact in future cities. You will also be able to ask questions about our open call, program and anything else!

Event agenda

Monday, February 14th, 14:00-15:00 EET

• Welcome: launching the Urban Tech Helsinki 2nd call for startups Kaisa Ahonen, Project Manager
• Urban Tech Helsinki partner greetings
– Tomi Erho, Head of innovation Ecosystems, Aalto University
– Anna-Maria Vilkuna, Director RDI, Metropolia UAS
– Pekka Pellinen, Specialist, University of Helsinki
• What’s going on at Testbed.Helsinki? Kimmo Heinonen, Leading Specialist, City of Helsinki
• Meet The Finnish Climate Fund. Pia Erkinheimo, Director, customer and dealflow
• Fireside chat moderator Ari Seppänen, Business Advisor of Urban Tech Helsinki
– Windi Muziasari, Resistomap
– Panu Miettinen, VIS Woodtech
– Pia Erkinheimo, The Finnish Climate Fund
• Q&A
• Closing words by Kaisa and Ari

Register for the event here

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