
Tietotekniikan Special Seminar: Petter Holme "Computational Network Science and Beyond"

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Computational Network Science and Beyond

Petter Holme
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tuesday, 26 October at 10:00-11:00
via Zoom: request the link by email [email protected]
Note! the link is sent to the CS staff.

Abstract: Network science has become a successful foundation for interdisciplinary, applied data science. Its power lies in that many disciplinary theories, in the social and natural sciences, concern networks, so network science can easily bridge the divide to machine learning, statistical inference, mathematical modeling, etc. I will address the achievements of network science, taking my work (on network robustness, temporal-network epidemiology, and human mobility) as a starting point. Furthermore, I will discuss current hurdles for algorithm development, data collection, and aligning interdisciplinary collaborations to tackle grand challenges like climate change and, relatedly, the UN's sustainable development goals.

Bio: Petter Holme is a specially appointed professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he leads the network science lab. Previously he was a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. Holme's Ph.D. is in Theoretical Physics from Umeå University, Sweden, 2004 (but his postdoc and first faculty positions were at computer science departments). Holme's research seeks to understand how large-scale social and technological systems work. His approaches are always computational and often in interdisciplinary collaborations. It could be data-driven—based on statistics or machine learning—or simulational—using mechanistic models of emergent properties. A common theme is models with an underlying network representation. Holme has over 160 publications and 16,000 citations.

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