
Tietotekniikan laitoksen diplomityöesitelmiä

SECCLO -opiskelijat Kaspar Papli, Xuan Nam Nguyen, Tolgahan Akgün, Luong Khiem Tran, Bruno Marcel Duarte Coscia, Ahmed Aly Ahmed Aly Beder, Adika Bintang Sulaeman, Ervin Oro, Timur Kartaev, Arnab Rahman Chowdhury ja Mohammad Elhariry esittelevät diplmityönsä maanantaina 29 kesäkuuta klo 10:00 Zoomin kautta.

SECCLO diplomityöesityksiä

Aika: 10:00 lähtien kunnes kaikki esitykset on esitetty
Paikka: Zoom https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64041673767

Kaspar Papli 
Exploiting Race Conditions in Web Applications with HTTP/2 
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Danilo Gligoroski, NTNU)

Xuan Nam Nguyen 
Network isolation for Kubernetes hard multi-tenancy
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Danilo Gligoroski, NTNU)

Tolgahan Akgün 
Secure lifecycle management of IoT devices
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Danilo Gligoroski, NTNU)

Luong Khiem Tran 
Privileged Access Management for System to System communications
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Danilo Gligoroski, NTNU)

12:00 BREAK, 30 minutes                                    

Bruno Marcel Duarte Coscia 
Evaluation of Network-Layer Security Technologies for Cloud Platforms
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH)

Ahmed Aly Ahmed Aly Beder 
Trust Management For A Decentralized Service Exposure Marketplace
(supervisors Antti Ylä-Jääski, Aalto & Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH)

Adika Bintang Sulaeman 
Highly available MEC with traffic failover 
(supervisors Antti Ylä-Jääski, Aalto & Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH)

Ervin Oro 
Secure zero-touch device provisioning in Bluetooth mesh networks
(supervisors Tuomas Aura, Aalto & Marc Dacier, EURECOM)

Timur Kartaev 
Assessment of privacy-preserving computation techniquese for marketing
(supervisors Fabian Fagerholm, Aalto & Elena Dubrova, KTH)

Arnab Rahman Chowdhury 
Distributed deep learning inference in fog networks
(supervisors Mario Di Francesco, Aalto & Frank Alexander Kraemer, NTNU)

15:30 BREAK, 15 minutes                                      

Mohammad Elhariry 
Device pairing through multi-modal gestures 
(supervisors Mario Di Francesco, Aalto & Christian D. Jensen, DTU)

Master's programme in Security and Cloud Computing

SECCLO is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programme in information security and cloud computing offered by a consortium of six highly ranked technical universities in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, and France. During the two-year MSc studies, students will study at two of the consortium universities and graduate from both. The first year of the SECCLO curriculum is offered by Aalto University. The second year will be completed at one of the other consortium universities: KTH, NTNU, DTU, UT or EURECOM. The final project, Master’s thesis, is written under the joint supervision of both the first- and second-year university.

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