
Tietotekniikan laitoksen diplomityöesitelmä

Inka Lehtonen esittää diplomityönsä torstaina 4. huhtikuuta klo 13:00 Teamsissa.

Date: Thursday, 7 April 2022
Time: 13:00-13:30
Place: Teams

Topic: Rule-based approach for extracting structured data from semi-structured pathology reports
Author: Inka Lehtonen
Supervisor: Associate Professor Pekka Marttinen
Advisors: D.Sc. (Tech.) Hanna Heikkinen, D.Sc. (Tech.) Karita Salo

Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to extract structured data from pathology reports of breast cancer. An evaluated algorithm was created for the extraction and structuring process by using rule-based methods.

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