
Special Seminar: Anil Koyuncu "Boosting Automated Program Repair with user-reported bugs"

Seminaarin järjestää Tietotekniikan laitos.

Seminaarin järjestää Tietotekniikan laitos.

Anil Koyuncu

Friday, 5 March at 13:00
via Zoom https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64077544933

Abstract: Automated program repair (APR) attracts enormous interest from research and industry as the ultimate target in software maintenance automation. Towards realizing this automation promise, the research community has explored various ideas and techniques, which are increasingly demonstrating that APR is no longer fictional. Although literature techniques constantly set new records in fixing a significant fraction of defects within well-established benchmarks, several fundamental challenges prevent the large-scale adoption of automated program repair in practice.

This talk will demonstrate a new approach to designing a pipeline for program repair that realistically builds on user-reported bugs as input.

Specifically, the talk will first present a brief overview of automated program repair and discuss a fundamental challenge preventing the large-scale adoption of automated program repair in practice. Second, it will revisit the workflow of generate-and-validate program repair systems and demonstrate how to adapt the different steps aligned with real-world expectations and realistic settings for practitioners.

Bio: Dr Anil Koyuncu is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust (SnT) of the University of Luxembourg. His research interests lie in the general area of software engineering, with particular emphasis on automated program repair. His work draws on data mining, program analysis and fault localization and aims to improve the automated program repair agenda towards boosting its adaption by practitioners. He received his MS degree at Politecnico di Milano and his PhD degree from the University of Luxembourg. Prior to his doctoral studies at SnT, he has acquired significant experience with the software industry; as a developer, IT consultant, and IT architect within Fortune Global 500 companies in Italy.

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Mahine Learning researchers working at Department of Computer Science in Aalto University
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