
Online Quantum Game Jam 2021

Tervetuloa mukaan Quantum Game Jamiin, verkkotapahtumaan, jossa teet yhteistyötä pelinkehittäjien, kvanttifyysikoiden, visuaalisten taiteilijoiden, muusikkojen, koodareiden ja muiden kanssa kehittääksesi pelejä, jotka yhdistelevät kvanttifysiikkaa, joko oikean koneiston avulla tai temaattisesti.
Online Quantum Game Jam 2021

We welcome you to join the Online Quantum Game Jam, an event where you will collaborate with game developers, quantum physicists, visual artists, musicians, coders, and others in order to develop games that connect to quantum physics either through real machinery or simply thematically. Do not worry about knowing any quantum physics beforehand! We'll have you covered.

What does it mean to be a participant?

We reveal the theme of the event on the first day and you can pitch your game idea or join another interesting team. In any case you can participate in any steps of the game development as much as you like, and there are plenty of steps there.

Why to participate?

No matter what your role is, it is your unique point of view that makes the Quantum Game Jam a great event and gives rise to the creation of amazing quantum games!

What is needed to participate?

An interest, good mood, and a very open schedule for the weekend for creating quantum games with new friends!

How to participate?

  1. Register at Eventbrite.
  2. Join the discord server (Game-Set-Quanta)

This will be the main platform for the event and there you'll connect with the quantum game community and get all the updates related to the jam.

For more information feel free to contact 

Lead Organizer Laura Piispanen ([email protected])
Public Communicator Daria Anttila ([email protected]) or, 
on behalf of IGDA Finland, Natasha Skult ([email protected])

Visit the event website

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