
November Networking - ALD at Aalto University

Join in our atomic layer deposition event and network with other research groups using ALD at Aalto. Companies using ALD are also welcomed.

Lisätietoa tapahtumasta tulossa englanninkieliselle tapahtumasivullemme.

NN 2020 logo
Wikimedia Commons, Goulas Puurunen, van Ommen, CC BY 4.0

 At Aalto University, many research groups' activities have a connection to atomic layer deposition (ALD). Join our public webinar and local networking event. Registration is free but required. 

Aim: Continuing the tradition started in 2019, provide a time and place where especially local people with interest in ALD can meet and get better networked.

Who should come: Researchers (doctoral, postdoctoral, other level) working with a connection to ALD, especially at Aalto University, and also beyond in Finland. Also company representatives welcome. In 2021, invited talks and tutorials are organized as a Webinar, which is globally open for anyone interested to participate (registration required). 

Format: The event will be organized remotely via Zoom. 

Organizing committee:  Dr. Aitor Arandia Gutierrez, M.Sc. Milad Madadi, Prof. Riikka Puurunen (responsible organizer), Arja Tuohino-Chance, M.Sc. Emma Verkama, M.Sc. Jihong Yim. All from Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering.

Information of the 2019 event, the first event in the series November Networking - ALD at Aalto University: https://blogs.aalto.fi/catprofopen/ald-networking-nov-2019/

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