
New technologies and governance of circular economy systems

This seminar offers a look into the latest research in circular economy: metal and wood-based fibre cycles, circular business models and governance of circular systems.
Aalto Sustainability Hub, © Creative Sustainability Heidi Konttinen

Aalto Sustainability Hub seminar series

Circular economy holds promise for more sustainable future production and consumption systems. The essence of circular economy is keeping materials in the economic cycles longer, thus halting the overuse of natural resources and curbing accumulation of waste.

While an attractive idea which has already gained traction, much research is still called for on how to get materials back from complex streams, how to retain value of materials instead of mere downcycling, what business model innovations are needed and how circular economy systems can be collectively governed. 

This event highlights newest research in different aspects of circular economy: metal and wood-based fibre cycles, circular business models and governance of circular systems. Professor Minna Halme opens the seminar by highlighting developments in circular business model innovation. Professor Mari Lundström’s talk focuses on newest methods and processes designed to more effectively recover and recycle metals from waste streams. Professor Mark Hughes will focus on the benefits and challenges of recirculating wood materials in the built environment. Dr. Samuli Patala looks on governance questions and solutions for complex circular economy systems involving businesses, public sector and civil society organizations. 

More information:

Annukka Jyrämä
[email protected]

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