Tätä on elämä 1.5 – planeetalle ystävällisempiä materiaaleja, muotia ja ruokaa
Designs for a Cooler Planet on viiden viikon mittainen festivaali, joka on yhtä planeettaystävällisten materiaalien, muodin ja ruoan juhlaa.
"The climate crisis is a gendered crisis." – activist Petra Laiti
In this workshop, we discuss how gender and technology, and technology and society mutually shape and constitute each other. By technologies, we refer to medical, social, communicational, architectural and larger infrastructures as well as mundane everyday objects.
We want to consider the emancipatory possibilities of technologies: How can we take hold of these technologies to provoke a rupture? What kind of strategies do we need to thoroughly change the mechanisms and algorithms by which the normalized society is working?
Participants can develop critical skills for analysing science, technologies and the process of design through a gendered lens. The workshop ends with an open seminar, where the results are shared with the public.
The workshop is based on the UWAS course Gender and Technology organised at Aalto University during 2021 and 2022.
Designs for a Cooler Planet on viiden viikon mittainen festivaali, joka on yhtä planeettaystävällisten materiaalien, muodin ja ruoan juhlaa.