
Bioenergy sustainability: A view from Finland towards Nordic policymakers

What contribution can bioenergy make towards Finland’s carbon neutrality objectives?
Freshly harvested forest. Photo by The Forests Dialogue

In this seminar, speakers from industry and research fields will consider the key issues in bioenergy sustainability in Finland. Input from the seminar will feed into a policy brief to the Nordic Council on sustainable use of biomass in the Nordic countries.

10:00 Introduction
Sam Cross | Aalto Energy Platform
  Presentations by Bioenergy sector stakeholders:
10:10 Tomi Lindroos | VTT
10:30 Tage Fredriksson | Finnish Bioenergy Association
10:50 Marko Janhunen | UPM
11:10 Panel debate
moderated by Dr Maria Tunberg on behalf of Nordic Energy Research
11:50 Closing summary
Dr Maria Tunberg & Sam Cross
12:00 Networking lunch

This event is held by Aalto Energy Platform in co-operation with Nordic Energy Research.

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Nordic Energy Research is the platform for cooperative energy research and policy development under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers

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