
ABC Seminar: Empathy, Brain & Conflict

Dr. Jonathan Levy (Aalto University, Finland & Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel) kertoo tutkimustyöstään empatian, aivojen ja konfliktien rajapinnassa.
ABC Seminar Yoni Levy

Tervetuloa ABC -seminaariin! Tämä seminaari on avoin kaikille. Esitys on auditoriossa F239a, Health Technology House (Otakaari 3). Esityksen jälkeen on tarjolla kahvia ja pullaa.

Puhuja: Dr. Jonathan Levy, Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland & Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC), Israel

Otsikko: Empathy, Brain & Conflict

Abstrakti: Empathy, the capacity to perceive and understand others, is perhaps one of most important social abilities. However, our tendency to form social identities (e.g., locals versus immigrants) often results in empathy towards our own social group (i.e., "us") but carrying the risk of shutting-down empathy towards other social groups (i.e., "them"). This  "us" versus "them" mindset can generate inter-group tensions, and under certain conditions, may result in violent conflicts.

In this talk I will discuss the intersection between empathy, brain and conflict. I will present findings from longitudinal and cross-sectional neuroimaging studies, conducted within the ecologically-valid conflict settings of the Israeli-Palestinian societies. Finally, I will present empirical results highlighting empathy-building approaches.

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