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Testing, hello -näyttely Node galleriassa

Testing, hello Exhibition in Node gallery
Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018

The Media Pedagogy intensive workshop 12.2. -16.2. focused on the questions of the post truth era, understanding the code and creative coding. During the week the students learned basics in two new languages, Processing and Arduino. A genuine child -like joy of mastering the basics in something completely new was in the air during the workshop.

The results of the workshop were on display in the exhibition TESTING, HELLO in Node Gallery 16.2. – 23.2. The exhibition presented i.e. interactive self portraits, a milk and cookie -robot, a cleaning robot, a drawing robot and many others by Tomi Dufva, Henna Helén, Emma Hovi, Sini Kivioja, Joni Mäkelä, Elisa Rauma, Minna Suoniemi and Juho Törmä.

The course was supervised by Aalto ARTS Doctoral Student and Artist Tomi Dufva and our lecturer Minna Suoniemi.


    Testing, hello exhibition. Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018.

    Testing, hello exhibition art. Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018.

    Henkilö istuu lattialla. johtoja, oranssi liitu, jonkinlainen piirilevy, pesusieni, vasara, punainen kynä. Elementit osa jonkinlaista liikkuvaa teosta.

    Testing, hello exhibition art. Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018.

    Testing, hello exhibition art. Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018.

    Testing, hello exhibition art. Photo: Minna Suoniemi, 2018.

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