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Education in Question – E?

Questioning places us in relation with what evades every question and exceeds all power of questioning. Questioning is the very attraction of this detour. What shows in the questioning of the profound question, even as it slips away in the detour of speech, is that which cannot be seized by an affirmation, nor refused by a negation nor raised up to possibility by interrogation, nor restored to being through a response.

Maurice Blanchot: Infinite Conversation [L’Entretien infini]. University of Minnesota Press. Translation: Susan Hanson.
Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo

Education in Question (E?) research group gathers art educators, artists, designers, and researchers who approach education as an open question. We are interested in various forms and figurations that education may take – namely, what education might have been, what it could become, and what happens on the fringes of educational thought and practice. Our work is motivated by a perpetual feeling of fascination and perplexity toward topics and issues such as studying, teaching, learning, and pedagogy.

E? has its roots in the arts, particularly in traditions of thought and practice that approach art as a social, relational, critical, and ever-emergent engagement with the world (or worlds). We also actively steer toward other fields and frameworks, including history and philosophy of education, curriculum studies, critical disability studies, literary studies, social arts, arts-based/artistic research, and socially engaged art.

Education in Question is hosted at the Department of Art and Media at Aalto University and led by Assistant Professor Juuso Tervo.

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