Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos


Mikrosysteemitekniikka on tutkimusryhmämme määritelmän mukaan todella monialainen tutkimusala. Se perustuu fysikaaliseen ja analyyttiseen kemiaan, biologiaan, mikroelektroniikkaan, materiaalitieteeseen ja biolääketieteelliseen teknologiaan.
EEA Microsystems
Figure 2
Fig. 2

Figure 2. Schematic presentation how the spectroscopy data (in this case from x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements) can be computationally transformed into a atomic level view of the nanocarbon surface structure.


The group is led by Professor Tomi Laurila
Associate Professor, Microsystem technology
Adjunct Professor, Electronics Reliability and Manufacturing
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
School of Electrical Engineering and Department of Chemistry and Materials Science
School of Chemical Engineering
Aalto University
Email: [email protected]
GSM: +358503414375

Books and Journal articles of Tomi Laurila group
Books and Journal articles of Tomi Laurila group

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Latest press releases from the Microsystems Technology research group

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