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Aiemmat Brown Bag -seminaarit

The Finance Brown Bag Lunch Seminar is held remotely via Zoom until further notice on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 13:00. The Seminar is organized by Assistant Professor Sean S. Shin. All questions related to the seminar (such as getting the Zoom invitation) can be addressed to him.

Finance Brown Bag Seminar Schedule

Date Presenter Paper


Note: Room Q202

Mikael Paaso (Rotterdam School of Management) Perceptions of Young Firms as Employers (joint work with Brighton Chotiputsilp) 


Note: Room V001

Samuel Hartzmark (Boston College) Adaptive Demand


Claes Bäckman (University of Mannheim) Mortgage Market Design and Inequality:  Evidence from Interest-Only Mortgages


Note: Thursday & Room F102 (Väre)

David Robinson (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University) Why Are Some Angel Investors Better Than Others

Note: Room Q202 (Väre)
Anniina Korhonen (Aalto University) Are emission reduction commitments credible?
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