Kurssitarjonta tohtoriopiskelijoille
Tohtoriopiskelijoille on tarjolla kursseja suomeksi ja englanniksi.
- LC-1350 Writing Doctoral Research for Engineering and Science (w), 3 credits
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral research (o) D, 3 credits
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o), 1 credits
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (o,w), 2 credits
- LC-1333 Navigate your doctoral studies while learning about equity, diversity, and inclusion (3 cr)
- LCA-1050 Writing Doctoral Research for Arts (w), 3 credits
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral research (o) D, 3 credits
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o), 1 credits
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (o,w), 2 credits
- LC-1333 Navigate your doctoral studies while learning about equity, diversity, and inclusion (3 cr)
- LCB-1350 Writing Doctoral Research for Business & Management (w), 3 credits
- LC-1331 Presenting Doctoral research (o) D, 3 credits
- LC-1335 Preparing for the Doctoral Defense (o), 1 credits
- LC-1336 Popularize your Research (o,w), 2 credits
- LC-1333 Navigate your doctoral studies while learning about equity, diversity, and inclusion (3 cr)
- Writing Clinic (ARTS, BIZ, CHEM, ENG, ELEC, SCI)
- Speech Clinic (BIZ, ENG, ELEC, SCI)
Recommended links
For a regularly updated list of links for writing-related support, please go to the Writing Clinic´s MyCourses site and the section for Materials: Recommended links (includes e-books) or Materials: Engineering Master´s theses.
Please note that you will need to log into MyCourses and possibly enrol as a user of the Writing Clinic site.
Intercultural Communication
Viestintä ja vuorovaikutus
Suorituskielet: suomi ja englanti
- LC-0550 Viestintä ja vuorovaikutustaidot, 2-3 op
- LC-0320 Esiintymistaito, 3 op
- LC-0330 Johtamisviestintä, 3 op
- LC-0340 Työelämän vuorovaikutusosaaminen, 2-3 op
- LC-0224 Neuvottelutaito, 2-3 op
- LC-0520 Vaikuttaminen ja argumentointi, 2-3op
- LC-0510 Konferenssiesiintyminen, 1-2 op
- LC-0530 Esiintyminen ja jännityksen hallinta, 2-3op
Suorituskielet: suomi
- Julkaistu:
- Päivitetty: