Kauppakorkeakoulun johtaminen

Kauppatieteen akateeminen komitea (KAAK)

Academic Committee (KAAK)
Kauppakorkeakoulun istuntosali. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto
KAAK kokoontuu Kauppakorkeakoulun istuntosalissa. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto

The Academic Committee for Business and Economics (KAAK)  is a multi-member university-level administrative body referred to in the Universities Act. The school academic affairs committee performs the duties assigned to it by the University Academic Affairs Committee.

The school academic affairs committee consists of the representatives of i) professors, ii) other research and teaching staff and other personnel, and iii) the students.

The Dean acts as the chair of the school academic affairs committee.

The term of office of the Academic Committee is four calendar years. The term of office of the student member is one calendar year.

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