Seppo Ikäheimo

E701 Dept. Accounting

Professor Seppo Ikäheimo's research interests include the following:

  • Topics: Corporate governance, including compensation systems, auditing, board of directors, banking regulation, ownership.
  • Methods: Both quantitative statistical analysis as well as qualitative interpretive interview approach.
  • Data: Key data comprises of Finnish-based data of private firms including firm and individual specific data and interviews of Finnish company managers.
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


The Best Developed Course Material Award

A fully digitalized course “Principles of Financial Management” with Teemu Malmi won the best developed course material award of Aalto University School of Business in year 2018.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Accounting Jan 2018

Jaakko Honko Medal

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Accounting Jan 2017

Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Accounting Jan 2015


Osakesidonnaisten palkitsemisjärjestelmien käyttö ja verotus : oppivuosista tähän päivään

Seppo Ikäheimo, Risto Walden 2023 Veropolitiikka - Liber Amicorum Timo Viherkenttä

Managerial intentions for and employee perceptions of group-based incentives

Sinikka Moilanen, Seppo Ikäheimo 2019 Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change

Do White Collar Employee Incentives Improve Firm Profitability?

Seppo Ikäheimo, Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Sinikka Moilanen, Eduardo Schiehll 2018 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH

Perhe on paras? Perheomisteiset pörssiyhtiöt Suomessa

Seppo Ikäheimo, Olli-Pekka Lumijärvi 2018

Corporate governance in Finland: current state of art, challenges and opportunities.

Seppo Ikäheimo, Mirel Leino 2017 Corporate Governance: new challenges and opportunities

Executive compensation

Seppo Ikäheimo 2017 A dean, a scholar, a friend

IQ and mutual fund choice

Mark Grinblatt, Seppo Ikäheimo, Matti Keloharju, Samuli Knüpfer 2016 Management Science

Yrityksen taloushallinto tänään

Seppo Ikäheimo, Erkki K. Laitinen, Teija Laitinen, Vesa Puttonen 2014

On the convergence of management accounting and financial accounting - the role of information technology in accounting change

Jani Taipaleenmäki, Seppo Ikäheimo 2013 International Journal of Accounting Information Systems