Ramyah Gowrishankar

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


MSCA postdoctoral fellowship

Granted funding (personal grants) Department of Information and Communications Engineering Jan 2023


Designing Beyond Hot and Cold - Exploring Full-Body Heat Experiences in Sauna

Tim Moesgen, Ramyah Gowrishankar, Yu Xiao 2024 TEI 2024 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction

A Strategy for Material-Specific e-Textile Interaction Design

Ramyah Gowrishankar, Katharina Bredies, Salu Ylirisku 2017 Smart Textiles : Fundamentals, Design, and Interaction

Constructing triboelectric textiles with weaving

Ramyah Gowrishankar 2017 ISWC '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers

Investigating Interaction Design for e-Textiles Using Case-Transfer

Ramyah Gowrishankar, Katharina Bredies 2014 Proceedings of Ambience14 & 10i3m: Scientific conference for Smart and Functional Textiles, 7-9 September 2014 Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland

OJAS - Open Source Bi-Directional Inductive Power Link

Jussi Mikkonen, Ramyah Gowrishankar, Miia Oksanen, Harri Raittinen, Arto Kolinummi 2014 Proceedings of CHI 2014, April 26 - May 01 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada

Pattern resistors: exploring resistive motifs as components for e-embroidery

Ramyah Gowrishankar, Jussi Mikkonen 2013 ISWC '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers

Single's Women's Latvian e-crowns

Ramyah Gowrishankar 2013