Olli Dahl

T107 Bioproducts and Biosystems
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


MCC, Environmental management, Clean Technoligies


Kansainvälinen biojalostamokilpailu jaettu II sija/The international biorefinery competition shared 2nd place TEM työ- ja elinkeinomisteriö/The Ministry of Employment and the Economy (TEM), Finland

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Forest Products Technology Jan 2015


  • Clean Technologies, Professor


Improving Nickel Recovery in Froth Flotation by Purifying Concentrators Process Water Using Dissolved Air Flotation

Annukka Aaltonen, Thi Minh Khanh Le, Eija Saari, Olli Dahl, Benjamin Musuku, Aleksandra Lang, Sakari Hiidenheimo, Richard Dixon 2023 Minerals

Simulating the Impact of Ore and Water Quality on Flotation Recovery during the Life of a Mine

Annukka Aaltonen, Caroline Izart, Mikko Lyyra, Aleksandra Lang, Eija Saari, Olli Dahl 2023 Minerals

Heavy Metals Decontamination Using a Renewable Source: Biochar

Stefano Caro, Giulia Costamagna, Marco Ginepro, Olli Dahl 2023 Journal of Water Technology and Treatment Methods

Thermochemical Valorisation of Waste : Pyrolytic Conversion of Horse Stable Residue Into Biochar

Stefano Caro, Matteo Ulivi, Alessandro Ratto, Olli Dahl 2023 Detritus

Fertiliser Properties of Wastewater Sludge and Sludge Ash - A Case Study from the Finnish Forest Industry

Juha Oksanen, Risto Pöykiö, Olli Dahl 2023 Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S

Thermochemical valorisation of waste: Pyrolytic conversion of horse manure

Stefano Caro, Olli Dahl 2021 Cleaner Engineering and Technology