Matti Liski

Matti Liski

E703 Dept. Economics

Matti Liski is a Professor of Economics at Aalto University School of Business. His also an affiliate at MIT-CEEPR, University of Cambridge EPRG, CESifo Munich, and has been a visiting professor at Toulouse School of Economics.

Liski is an award-winning teacher, with experience ranging from principles of economics and executive education to advanced international doctoral courses and summer schools on specialized topics. His research focus is both theoretical and empirical microeconomics with applications in industrial organization, public policy, energy markets, and climate change.

Liski has given several keynote lectures in scientific conferences, served as a board member in foundations and scientific associations, and has held several editorial duties in journals, such as the Scandinavian Journal of Economics and Journal of European Economic Association.

Personal webpage:

Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Ekonominaukio 1 02150 Espoo Finland


Energiakriisin vaikutukset Suomen huoltovarmuuteen, 511 Economics, Economics


Teacher of the year 2009, 2023

Helsinki School of Economics 2009, Aalto University 2023
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Economics Feb 2009

The best paper award 2016: “A simple formula for the social cost of carbon", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 77, May 2016, Pages 75-94

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Economics Jan 2016

Excellence in refereeing award, 2015 Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA)

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Economics Jan 2015


DP19117 Pigouvian Income Taxation

Lassi Ahlvik, Matti Liski, Mikael Mäkimattila 2024

Sähkön hinnannousun ja sähkötukien arvioidut vaikutukset kotitalouksiin

Lassi Ahlvik, Sara Alhola, Theo Blauberg, Henna Laasonen, Matti Liski, Olli Malinen, Mari Mattila, Oskari Nokso-Koivisto, Anna Sahari, Meeri Seppä, Max Toikka, Antti Valkonen, Iivo Vehviläinen 2023

Tavoitteena päästötön liikenne - kuka maksaa?

Arttu Ahonen, Matti Liski, Eero Nokso-Koivisto 2023 TALOUS & YHTEISKUNTA

Electricity market design: Views from European economists

Stefan Ambec, Albert Banal, Estelle Cantillon, Claude Crampes, Anna Creti, Francesco Decarolis, Natalia Fabra, Reyer Gerlagh, Karsten Kneuhoff, Camille Landais, Matti Liski, Gerard Llobet, David Newbery, Michele Polo, Mar Reguant, Sebastian Schwenen, Iivo Vehviläinen 2023

National and EU climate policies in conflict: Lessons from three sectors in Finland

Matti Liski, Iivo Vehviläinen 2023 Nordic Economic Policy Review 2023

Global Externalities, Local Policies, and Firm Selection

Lassi Ahlvik, Matti Liski 2022 Journal of the European Economic Association

Kustannusvastaavuus ja tasapainoiset vaikuttamismahdollisuudet tärkeitä sähkönsiirrossa

Mikael Collan, Kaisa Huhta, Pertti Järventausta, Matti Liski 2022

Rational Rationing: A Price-Control Mechanism for a Persistent Supply Shock

Reyer Gerlagh, Matti Liski, Iivo Vehviläinen 2022

Stabilizing the EU Electricity Market: Mandatory Demand Reduction and a Lower Price Cap

Reyer Gerlagh, Matti Liski, Iivo Vehviläinen 2022 EconPol Forum