Marko Keskinen

Marko Keskinen

Associate Professor
T213 Built Environment
Associate Professor
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Water resources management, Sustainability, Environmental management, Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, Science-policy-stakeholder interaction, Integrated approaches


Young Water Professionals (YWP) of Finland Award 2021

Personal award for advancing the education and careers of young water professionals in Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work Water and Environmental Eng. Jan 2021

Aalto Pioneering Excellence Award 2021

Aalto Pioneering Excellence Award 2021 for Majakka doctoral education project at Aalto School of Engineering
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2021

Aalto Excellence Award 2018

Aalto Award for Excellence in enhancing business, design, engineering, and technology, and research-based innovation in the academic year 2016-17, awarded to Majakka Doctoral Education Pilot Prooject
Award or honor granted for a specific work Water and Environmental Eng. Jan 2018

Aalto Education Excellence Recognition 2017

Education award for Water and Environmental Engineering Master's Programme (WAT), as a part of the team
Award or honor granted for a specific work Water and Environmental Eng. Jan 2017

AaltoENG Teaching Award 2015

Aalto School of Engineering (AaltoENG) Teaching Award for year 2015
Award or honor granted for a specific work Water and Environmental Eng. Jan 2015

Aalto Research Impact Award 2024

Aalto University's Research Impact Award 2024 as a part of Digital Waters flagship team
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2024

Best Research Paper 2023 Award

Award or honor granted for a specific work Water and Environmental Eng. Sep 2023


  • Water and Environmental Eng., Professor (Associate Professor)


Water governance for water security: analysing institutional strengths and challenges in Finland

Lauri Ahopelto, Suvi Sojamo, Antti Belinskij, Niko Soininen, Marko Keskinen 2024 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Social network analysis of EU flood risk management plans : Case Finland

Thomas Banafa, Susa Eräranta, Lasse Peltonen, Marko Keskinen 2024 JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT

Institutional accountability: the differentiated implementation of collaborative governance in two EU states

Irina Mancheva, Mia Pihlajamäki, Marko Keskinen 2024 West European Politics

Finding Common Ground : Comparing Engineering and Design Graduate Students' Conceptualizations of Interdisciplinary Education Across Two Institutions

Margaret Webb, Xiaoqi Feng, Hanna Aarnio, Julia Sundman, Felicity Bilow, Maija Taka, Marie C. Paretti, Marko Keskinen 2024 2024 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition

Water consumption and biodiversity : Responses to global emergency events

Dandan Zhao, Junguo Liu, Laixiang Sun, Klaus Hubacek, Stephan Pfister, Kuishuang Feng, Heran Zheng, Xu Peng, Daoping Wang, Hong Yang, Lei Shen, Fei Lun, Xu Zhao, Bin Chen, Marko Keskinen, Shaohui Zhang, Jialiang Cai, Olli Varis 2024 Science Bulletin

Drought hazard and annual precipitation predicted to increase in the Sirppujoki river basin, Finland

Lauri Ahopelto, Marko Kallio, Noora Veijalainen, Roope Kouki, Marko Keskinen 2023 Climate Services

To Withdraw, Investigate, Negotiate Or Integrate? Students' Coping Strategies With Disorienting Dilemmas In Interdisciplinary Project Courses

Xiaoqi Feng, Julia Sundman, Hanna Aarnio, Maija Taka, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2023 SEFI 2023 - 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education

Trust in Transboundary Waters : Identifying Trust-Building in Water Diplomacy Literature

M Keskinen, E Häkkinen, J Haapala, B Sharipova 2023 WATER ALTERNATIVES

Mapping the networks of flood risk governance and management

Thomas Banafa, Susa Eräranta, Marko Keskinen, Lasse Peltonen 2022

Bringing resilience-thinking into water governance : Two illustrative case studies from South Africa and Cambodia

A. Fallon, R. W. Jones, M. Keskinen 2022 Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions

Vesidiplomatia yhdistää ulkopolitiikan veden hallintaan

Marko Keskinen, Antti Rautavaara 2022 Kestävyyden avaimet

Save the Mekong Delta from drowning

G. M. Kondolf, R. J.P. Schmitt, P. A. Carling, M. Goichot, M. Keskinen, M. E. Arias, S. Bizzi, A. Castelletti, T. A. Cochrane, S. E. Darby, M. Kummu, P. S.J. Minderhoud, D. Nguyen, H. T. Nguyen, N. T. Nguyen, C. Oeurng, J. Opperman, Z. Rubin, D. C. San, S. Schmeier, T. Wild 2022 Science

Empirical insights into knowledge-weaving processes in strategic environmental research

K. Korhonen-Kurki, S. Bor, M. Faehnle, A. K. Kosenius, S. Kuusela, J. Käyhkö, M. Pekkonen, H. Saarikoski, M. Keskinen 2022 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING

Handbook on Water Allocation in Transboundary Context

Marko Keskinen, Antti Belinskij, Suvi Sojamo, Tuula Honkonen, Hafsa Munia, Lauri Ahopelto, Tanja Dubrovin, Mika Marttunen, Saija Koljonen, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, Susanne Schmeier, Remy Kinna, Annukka Lipponen, Sonja Koeppel 2021

Water diplomacy paths – An approach to recognise water diplomacy actions in shared waters

Marko Keskinen, Erik Salminen, Juho Haapala 2021 Journal of Hydrology

Innovation process and uncertainties in resource-constrained environments : A case from the water service sector in East Africa

Anne M.J. Hyvärinen, Marko Keskinen, Jarkko Levänen 2020 Environmental Science and Policy

Vesialan tulevaisuuden huipputekijä syntyy koulutuksen ja työelämän yhteispelillä

Meeri Karvinen, Julia Renko, Anni Kaikko, Marko Keskinen 2020 VESITALOUS

Resilienssi-lähestymistapa vesiturvallisuutta edistämässä

Mika Marttunen, Jyri Mustajoki, Antti Parjanne, Lauri Ahopelto, Marko Keskinen 2020 VESITALOUS

Miten arvioida vesiturvallisuutta?

Jyri Mustajoki, Mika Marttunen, Suvi Sojamo, Marko Keskinen, Lauri Ahopelto 2020 VESITALOUS

Vesidiplomatia : konseptin edistäminen ja suomalainen lisäarvo

Erik Salminen, Elina Häkkinen, Marko Keskinen 2020

Paremmalla vesivarojen hallinnalla kohti vesiturvallisempaa Suomea

Suvi Sojamo, Lauri Ahopelto, Marko Keskinen, Antti Belinskij, Niko Soininen 2020 VESITALOUS

Can There be Water Scarcity with Abundance of Water? Analyzing Water Stress during a Severe Drought in Finland

Lauri Ahopelto, Noora Veijalainen, Joseph H. A. Guillaume, Marko Keskinen, Mika Marttunen, Olli Varis 2019 Sustainability

Enhancing Security, Sustainability and Resilience in Energy, Food and Water

Marko Keskinen, Suvi Sojamo, Olli Varis 2019 Sustainability

A framework for assessing water security and the water-energy-food nexus-the case of Finland

Mika Marttunen, Jyri Mustajoki, Suvi Sojamo, Lauri Ahopelto, Marko Keskinen 2019 Sustainability (Switzerland)

Mapping the CDIO syllabus to the UNESCO key competencies for sustainability

Anders Rosén, Kristina Edström, Lena Gumaelius, Anna-Karin Högfeldt, Audun Gröm, Reidar Lyng, Mads Nygaard, Peter Munkebo Hussmann, Martin Vigild, Thomas Fruergaard Astrup, Meeri Karvinen, Marko Keskinen, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist, Johan Malmqvist 2019 Proceedings of the 15th International CDIO Conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, June 25-27, 2019

Severe Drought in Finland: Modeling Effects on Water Resources and Assessing Climate Change Impacts

Noora Veijalainen, Lauri Ahopelto, Mika Marttunen, Jaakko Jääskeläinen, Ritva Britschgi, Mirjam Orvomaa, Antti Belinskij, Marko Keskinen 2019 Sustainability

Influence of different discourses on the outcomes of development policies and projects

Juho Haapala, Marko Keskinen 2018 Environmental Policy and Governance

Vesivoiman vaikutusten arviointia Mekong-joella - oppeja suomalaiselle vesiosaamiselle

Timo Räsänen, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2017 VESITALOUS

Kestävästi vettä ja ruokaa kaikille

Suvi Sojamo, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2017 Kirjava käsikirja kestävään kehitykseen

Vesiturvallisuus - mikä sen merkitys on Suomelle?

Suvi Sojamo, Lauri Ahopelto, Mika Marttunen, Antti Belinskij, Noora Veijalainen, Marko Keskinen 2017 VESITALOUS

Facilitating bricolage through more organic institutional designs? The case of water users’ associations in rural Nepal

Juho Haapala, Sanna-Leena Rautanen, Pamela White, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2016 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE COMMONS

Potential and pitfalls of frugal innovation in the water sector

Anne Hyvärinen, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2016 SUSTAINABILITY

Managing the water-energy-food nexus

Shokhrukh Mirzo Jalilov, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis, Saud Amer, Frank A. Ward 2016 Journal of Hydrology

Miten yhteiskehittää kokonaisturvallisuutta? Tieteidenvälisiä näkemyksiä Winland-hankkeesta

Marko Keskinen, Arttu Kantola, Juha Mäkinen, Arto Salonen 2016 Tiede ja Ase

Riskit hallintaan vesi-energia-ruoka –nexuksen avulla?

Marko Keskinen, Seppo Rekolainen, Suvi Sojamo, Olli Varis 2016 VESITALOUS

Special Issue "Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Large Asian River Basins"

Marko Keskinen, Shokhrukh-Mirzo Jalilov, Olli Varis 2016 WATER

The water-energy-food nexus and the transboundary context

Marko Keskinen, Joseph H A Guillaume, Mirja Kattelus, Miina Porkka, Timo A. Räsänen, Olli Varis 2016 WATER

Water-energy-food nexus in Large Asian River Basins

Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2016 WATER

Mitä Suomi voi tehdä globaalin vesikriisin ratkaisemiseksi?

Lonkila Kirsi-Marja, Suvi Sojamo, Marko Keskinen 2016 Water at risk -symposio

Socio-Economic Changes in Cambodia’s Unique Tonle Sap Lake Area

Aura Salmivaara, Matti Kummu, Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen 2016 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy

China’s southbound transboundary river basins: a case of asymmetry

Mirja Kattelus, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Aura Salmivaara, Olli Varis 2015 Water International

Using Scenarios for Information Integration and Science-Policy Facilitation: Case from the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Someth Paradis, Aura Salmivaara, Pech Sokhem 2015 Sustainable Futures in a Changing Climate; Helsinki,11-12.6.2014

Water-Energy-Food Nexus in a Transboundary River Basin:

Marko Keskinen, Paradis Someth, Aura Salmivaara, Matti Kummu 2015 WATER

Model-based assessment of water, food and energy trade-offs in a cascade of multi-purpose reservoirs A case study from the Sesan tributary of the Mekong River

Timo A. Räsänen, Olivier M. Joffre, Paradis Someth, Tran Thanh Cong, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2015 JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: ASCE

Exploring the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in Spatial Water Assessments: A Case of Water Shortage in Monsoon Asia

Aura Salmivaara, Miina Porkka, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Joseph H.A. Guillaume, Olli Varis 2015 WATER

Hydrological change in the Mekong - Entering the Anthropocene?

T. Räsänen, M. Kummu, Hannu Lauri, C. Lehr, Phlip Ward, Hans de Moel, I. Mellin, M. Keskinen 2014 American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013

Integrated Water Resources Management: Horizontal and vertical explorations and the “Water in All Policies” approach

Olli Varis, Konrad Enckell, Marko Keskinen 2014 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Using Global Datasets to Create Environmental Profiles for Data-Poor Regions A case from the Irrawaddy and Salween River Basins

Aura Salmivaara, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2013 Environmental Management

Mekong at the crossroads

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Mira Käkönen, Olli Varis 2012 Politics and Development in a Transboundary Watershed

Mekong at the Crossroads: Alterenative Paths of Water Development and Impact Assessment Politics and Development in a Transboundary Watershed

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Mira Käkönen, Olli Varis 2012 Politics and Development in Transboundary Watershed: The Case of the Lower Mekong Basin

Mekong at the crossroads: next steps for impact assessment of large dams

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Mira Käkönen, Olli Varis 2012 Ambio

Future changes in Mekong River hydrology: impact of climate change and reservoir operation on discharge

Hannu Lauri, Hans de Moel, Philip J. Ward, Timo A. Räsänen, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2012 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Future changes in Mekong River hydrology: impact of climate change and reservoir operation on discharge

H. Lauri, H. de Moel, P. J. Ward, T. A. Räsänen, M. Keskinen, M. Kummu 2012 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions

Climate change and water resources in the Lower Mekong River Basin: putting adaptation into the context

Marko Keskinen, Suppakorn Chinvanno, Matti Kummu, Paula Nuorteva, Anond Snidvongs, Olli Varis, Kaisa Västilä 2010 JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE

Songs of the Doomed: The Continuing Neglect of Capture Fisheries in Hydropower Development in the Mekong.

Richard Friend, Robert Arthur, Marko Keskinen 2009 Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region - Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance

Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: Diagnosis & recommendations for adaptation

Marko Keskinen, Suppakorn Chinvanno, Matti Kummu, Paula Nuorteva, Anond Snidvongs, Olli Varis, Kaisa Västilä 2009

"What would be the three key preconditions for jumpstarting or scaling up the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for climate change to developing countries?"

Justin Mog, Wouter Kersten, Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman, Marko Keskinen, Timothy J. Downs, S. Wahid, Rafael D.Almeida Martins, Hélène Connor, Laura E. Williamson, Mithra Moezzi, Ahmad Houri, Bimlesh Kumar, Rahul B. Hiremath, Bert Scholtens, O. C. Ajayi, F. K. Akinnifesi, G. Sileshi, Olufunso A. Somorin 2009 Natural Resources Forum

Hydropower in the Mekong Region: What Are the Likely Impacts upon Fisheries?

Juha Sarkkula, Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Matti Kummu, Jeff E. Richey, Olli Varis 2009 Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region - Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance

Mekong at the Crossroads - water development and its impacts, paper presented in the symposium

Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Matti Kummu, Mira Käkönen, Juha Sarkkula, Olli Varis 2008 International Symposium "Mekong Management at a Watershed - IWRM in the global water crisis", 29.9.-1.10.2008, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University, Sweden.

Population, natural resources & development in the Mekong: Does high population density hinder development?

Marko Keskinen 2008 Modern Myths of the Mekong.Water and Development Publications

The Mekong: IWRM and Institutions

Marko Keskinen, Katri Mehtonen, Olli Varis 2008 Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes

Transboundary Cooperation vs.Internal Ambitions - The Roles of China and Cambodia in the Mekong region

Marko Keskinen, Katri Mehtonen, Olli Varis 2008 International Water Security: Domestic Threats and Opportunities

Vesijalanjälki - mittari todelliselle vedentarpeellemme

Laura Kuismin, Elina Heikinheimo, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2008 VESITALOUS


Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2008 Ambio

Mekong at the crossroads

Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen 2008 Ambio

The Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia; water-related conflicts with abundance of water

Marko Keskinen, Mira Käkönen, Prom Tola, Olli Varis 2007 The Economics of Peace and Security Journal

Water management and impact assessment in the Mekong Basin: analyzing the linkages between local, national and regional levels

Marko Keskinen 2007 International Conference on Adaptive and Integrated Water Management (CAIWA 2007), 2007, Basel, Switzerland

A modeling framework and preliminary results in assessing Phnom Penh's sewage discharges

M. Kummu, T. Sokvongsa, J. Sarkkula, J. Koponen, O. Kagna, L. Moniphea, U. Mengieng, M. Sampson, K.N. Irvine, S.J. Vermette, T. Tang, M. Keskinen 2007 Contemporary Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 15

Mathematical modelling in integrated management of water resources - magical tool, mathematical toy or something in between?

Juha Sarkkula, Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Matti Kummu, Jussi Nikula, Olli Varis, Markku Virtanen 2007 Democratizing water governance in the Mekong region

Water respects no borders

O. Varis, M. Kummu, M. Keskinen, U. Heinonen 2007 Polysteekki

Influence of Built Structures on the Fisheries of the Tonle Sap: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Eric Baran, Arthur Robert, Chuenpagdee Ratana, Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Mikaela Kruskopf, Yumiko Kura, Hannu Lauri, Sophie Nguyen Khoa, Blake Ratner, Juha Sarkkula, So Sophort 2006 Second International Symposium on Sustainable Development in the Mekong River Basin, 2006, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The Lake with Floating Villages: Socio-Economic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Lake

Marko Keskinen 2006 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Nature's affluence meets human poverty

M. Keskinen, M. Kummu, O. Varis 2006 World Water Week 2006 on August 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden

Modelling Interconnected Mekong River and Nam Songkhram watershed system, Thailand.

Matti Kummu, Jorma Koponen, Noora Veijalainen, Juha Sarkkula, Marko Keskinen 2006

Mekong Delta Socio-Economic Analysis - Interconnections between water and livelihoods in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.WUP-FIN Phase II - Hydrological, Environmental and Socio-Economic Modelling Tools f

M. Käkönen, M. Keskinen, Olli Varis, Diem Trang Ngo Thuy, Thanh Truc Ngo Thi, Thi Trieu Tran, Truong Giang Le, Toan Le Duc, Van Lanh Nguyen 2006

Mekong River Basin Development and Tonle Sap Lake Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges

Dirk Lamberts, Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Matti Kummu, Jeffrey Richey, Juha Sarkkula, Samal Say, Pech Sokhem, Olli Varis 2006 Second International Symposium on Sustainable Development in the Mekong River Basin, 2006, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

A Baysian Approach to IWRM Policy Analysis: The Mekong Case

Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen 2006 The 16th Stockholm Water Symposium: 161-162, August 20-26, Stockholm


Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen 2006 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Integrated Water Resources Management on the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia

Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Juha Sarkkula, Jorma Koponen, Ulla Heinonen, Katri Makkonen 2006 Water Science & Technology: Water Supply

Integrated Water Resources Management on the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia

Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Juha Sarkkula, Jorma Koponen, Ulla Heinonen, Katri Makkonen 2006 IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, 10-14 September 2006

Integrated Water Resources Management on the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Experiences from the WUP-FIN Project

Olli Varis, Matti Kummu, Marko Keskinen, Juha Sarkkula, Jorma Koponen, Katri Makkonen, Ulla Heinonen 2006 The International Forum on Integrated Water Resources Management of the Mekong River Basin. 28-29 November 2005, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Policy Analysis for the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia A Bayesian network model approach

Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen 2006 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Nature’s affluence meets human poverty.Case Study for 2006 Human Development Report

O. Varis, M. Kummu, M. Keskinen, J. Sarkkula, J. Koponen, U. Heinonen, K. Makkonen 2006

Analysing water-livelihoods interconnections in the Mekong Floodplains of Cambodia

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Pok Noy, Yim Sambo, Huon Rath 2005 Water in Mainland Southeast Asia Siem Reap, Cambodia, 30.11-2.12.2005

H20 kaikille tasapuolisesti ja tarpeeksi?

Marko Keskinen 2005 Vesi - elämän edellytys

Mekongin alueen ihmiset elävät vedestä

Marko Keskinen, Mira Käkönen 2005 VESITALOUS

Socio-economic impact assessment of the Mekong development Case Tonle Sap Lake

Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2005 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of Water Sciences in Transboundary River Basin Managemen: Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, March 10-12 2005, United Nations University / Asian Institute o

Transboundary Agreements and Local Realities - Case from the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia,

Marko Keskinen 2005 IWRA's XII World Water Congress "Water for Sustainable Development - Towards Innovative Solutions", 2005, New Delhi, India

Vesi - edellytys elämälle ja kehitykselle

Marko Keskinen 2005 Ympäristö vuosituhattavotteissa

Vesiteesit - katse tulevaan

Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu 2005 VESITALOUS

Integrated Modelling for impact assessment in Mekong Delta and Cambodian floodplains

Matti Kummu, Jorma Koponen, Juha Sarkkula, Marko Keskinen, Olli Varis 2005 International Conference on Deltas: Geological modelling and Management, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, January 2005

Integrated Modelling of Lower Mekong Basin Floodplains - Tool for Impact Assessment

Juha Sarkkula, Jorma Koponen, Marko Keskinen, Matti Kummu, Olli Varis 2005 International Symposium on Sustainable Development in the Mekong River Basin, 2005, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Integration of socio-economic and hydrological information in the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia

Juha Sarkkula, Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen, Jorma Koponen, Matti Kummu, Jussi Nikula 2005 International Conference on Simulation and Modeling SimMod 2005, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand

Tonle Sap Pulsing System and Fisheries Productivity

J. Sarkkula, E. Baran, P. Chheng, M. Keskinen, J. Koponen, M. Kummu 2005 Verhandlungen des internationalen Verein Limnologie

Water environmental conservation for improved livelihood in the Mekong Delta Vietnam

Thi Trieu Tran, Le Anh Tuan, Mira Käkönen, Marko Keskinen, Le Duc Toan 2005 3rd International Symposium Southeast Asian Water Environment, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand

A Bayesian network model for intersectorial policy analysis in the Tonle Sap area, Cambodia

Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen 2005 International Conference on Simulation and Modelling, January 17-19, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok

Participatory village surveys in water resources management - case from Tonle Sap Lake

Marko Keskinen 2004 30th WEDC Conference People-centred approaches to water and environmental sanitation

Taistelu vedestä

Marko Keskinen 2004 VESITALOUS

Socioeconomic analysis of the Tonle Sap Region, Cambodia - building links and capacity for targeted poverty alleviation

Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen 2003 International Journal of Water Resources Development

Globaalien vesikysymysten opetus: Teekkarit Mekong-joen kimpussa

P. Vakkilainen, M. Keskinen, O. Varis 2002 VESITALOUS

Socioeconomic analysis of the Tonle Sap Region, Cambodia-building links and capacity for targeted poverty alleviation

Olli Varis, Marko Keskinen 2002 The 12th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, 12-15.7.2002