Juuso Välimäki

Juuso Välimäki

E703 Dept. Economics

I am a microeconomic theorist, and my research focuses on dynamic incentive problems and mechanism design. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, and prior to joining Aalto (or HSE) in 2002, I worked at Northwestern University and the University of Southampton.

Many of my current research projects are in collaboration with Professor Pauli Murto. We analyze the effects of participation costs on allocational efficiency in auctions and contests. My research is theoretical, but the subject matter is close to practical problems. For example, I have participated in a project where a new auction format was designed for auctioning airwaves. I have published numerous research articles on dynamic games and mechanisms in leading economics journals including Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of the European Economic Association, and Journal of Economic Theory.

I am currently a co-editor of the Journal of Economic Theory. Until the end of 2018, I was the main editor of the Journal of European Economic Association, and I have been a managing editor at the Review of Economic Studies in 2003-2007.  In addition to these duties, I have been on the editorial boards of numerous journals over the years.

I am a fellow of Econometric Society since 2008, a fellow of the European Economic Association, and I am a member of the Finnish Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Learning and Intertemporal Incentives

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 2020

Dynamic Mechanism Design

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 2019

All-pay auctions with affiliated binary signals

Chang Koo Chi, Pauli Murto, Juuso Välimäki 2019

Large all-pay auctions with IPV bidders

Pauli Murto, Juuso Välimäki 2017

Large common value auctions with risk averse bidders

Pauli Murto, Juuso Välimäki 2015

Learning about the arrival of sales

Robin Mason, Juuso Välimäki 2011

Learning and information aggregation in an exit game

Pauli Murto, Juuso Välimäki 2011

The Dynamic Pivot Mechanism

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 2010

Information acquisition in interdependent value auctions

D. Bergemann, X. Shi, J. Valimaki 2009

The Dynamic Pivot Mechanism

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2008

Information Acquisition in Interdependent Value Auctions’

D. Bergemann, X. Shi, J. Välimäki 2007

Dynamic Moral Hazard and Project Completion

R. Mason, J. Välimäki 2007

Learning and Smooth Stopping

R. Mason, J. Välimäki 2007

Dynamic Price Competition

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2006

Dynamic Pricing of New Experience Goods

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2006

Information in Mechanism Design

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 2006 Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society. Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications. Volume I

Dynamic Price Competition

J. Välimäki, D. Bergemann 2004

Monopoly Pricing of Experience Goods

J. Välimäki, D. Bergemann 2004

Dynamic Common Agency

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2003

Dynamic Price Competition

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2003

Bad Reputation

J. Ely, J. Välimäki 2003

Entry and Vertical Differentiation

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2002

Strategic Buyers and Privately Observed Prices

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2002

Imitation and Experimentation in Changing Contests

F. Squintani, J. Välimäki 2002

Stationary Multi-Choice Bandit Problems

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 2001

Experimentation in markets

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 2000

Strategic Buyers and Privately Observed Prices

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 1999

Market Diffusion with Two-Sided Learning

D. Bergemann, J. Välimäki 1997

Learning and strategic pricing

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki 1996