Juuso Tervo

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
A806 Department of Art and Media

Juuso Tervon tutkimus keskittyy taiteen ja kasvatuksen filosofiaan, historiaan ja politiikkaan kriittisen teorian, kirjallisuustieteen, poliittisen filosofian ja historianfilosofian näkökulmista. Hän toimii taideperustaisen tutkimuksen ja pedagogiikan apulaisprofessorina Taiteen ja median laitoksella ja johtaa Nordic Master in Visual Studies and Art Education -maisteriohjemaa.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Teaching Award

Juuso Tervo has always fostered a fertile relationship between his teaching and his research in the field of art education, all for the clear benefit of his students. At Aalto he has contributed greatly to the University Wide Art Studies initiative, and to NOVA, the Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education Program, of which he is presently the Head. Juuso is an active and ever helpful member of the teaching community of the department, and has, despite his commitment to the demanding job, been able to remain “The sanest person in this school,” as the nominator for this award described him.  
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Department of Art and Media Mar 2023

Visual Arts Research Journal Invited Lecture

Visual Arts Research (VAR) Invited Lecture Series distinguishes authors who have made an outstanding contribution to VAR through journal publication during the previous year. It is presented annually at National Art Education Association's (NAEA) Annual Convention. In 2019, this honor was given to Juuso Tervo for his article "Studying in the Dark: Notes on Poetic Historiography for Art Education" published in Visual Arts Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2018.
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Taiteen laitos Mar 2019

Aalto University Annual Excellence Award in Teaching

The president of Aalto University together with university’s top management has decided to award the annual Excellence recognition based on the proposals of the Schools. With this recognition we want to highlight achievements with significant impact in enhancing learning, transdisciplinarity and well-being at Aalto (Excellence in Teaching). The award is for University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) which began with a single course, and then piloted 15 courses on artistic thinking and creative skills for all Aalto students, in every school and discipline, that fostered a lasting interest in, and significant impact on transdisciplinary education.<br/>
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Taiteen laitos Dec 2017

Manuel Barkan Memorial Award

Conceived as a tribute to Dr. Manuel Barkan, this award is presented to an individual who, through their published work in either Art Education or Studies in Art Education, has contributed a product of scholarly merit to the field of art education. Scholarship can be defined broadly to include any written contribution dealing carefully and imaginatively with an important issue, problem, or practice in the field.
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Taiteen laitos Mar 2018

Elliot Eisner Dissertation Research Award in Art Education

Award for the best dissertation on art education in the United States in 2014
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Taiteen laitos Mar 2015


Exploring Hybrid Learning Formats in a Nordic Master’s Programme in Visual Studies and Art Education

Mie Buhl, Maria Hvid Bech Dille , Heidi Hautopp, Juuso Tervo 2024 Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2024

Resisting Research

Juuso Tervo 2024 Experiments in Art Research

Decolonization and the Degeneralization of Time in Art Education Historiography

Juuso Tervo 2023 The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art, Craft, and Visual Culture Education


Juuso Tervo, Sakari Tervo 2023


Juuso Tervo 2023

Kriittisen historianfilosofian näkökulmia lapsuuden historioihin

Juuso Tervo 2022 Matkaopas lapsuuden historian tutkimukseen

Introduction: It’s All Over! Post-digital, Post-internet Art and Education

Gila Kolb, Juuso Tervo, Kevin Tavin 2021 Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education

Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education

Kevin Tavin, Gila Kolb, Juuso Tervo 2021