Ilkka Laakso

Associate Professor
Associate Professor
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation

Assistant Professor Ilkka Laakso leads the research group Electromagnetics in Health Technology. The group develops computational methods for multi-physics modelling of the human body.

The research combines numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields with anatomical and functional modelling, having multidisciplinary applications in biomedical engineering (device development), clinical practice (diagnosis and rehabilitation), and neurosciences (brain research).

The first focus area of the research is developing computational tools for modelling non-invasive brain stimulation. In the future, the methods will help scientists to carefully craft stimulation protocols rather than relying on trial and error, improving the safety and efficacy of stimulation and allowing individually planned treatment.

The group also uses computer simulations to study the electromagnetic safety of new technologies and aid the development of novel health care applications .

Full researcher profile
[email protected]



IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Technical Achievement Award

Technical Achievement Award for contribution to computational dosimetry of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from low frequencies to millimeter waves
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Aug 2021

Young Scientist Award

URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Montreal, Canada
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Aug 2017

IEICE Transactions Best Paper Award

“Fast computational method for human dosimetry due to wireless power transfer with magnetic resonance”
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Jun 2014

Excellent Paper Award

International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compability, Tokyo,<br/>Japan
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos May 2014

Young scientist award

URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic<br/>Theory, Hiroshima, Japan
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos May 2013

Excellent paper award (Young scientist)

Awarded by IEICE Electronics Society, Electronics Simulation Technology
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Mar 2013

Paper Presentation Award

Awarded by Fundamentals and Materials Society, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Sep 2012

Ericsson Young Scientist Award

Ericsson Japan
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Nov 2011

Faculty Award for Excellence, at Nagoya Institute of Technology

For contribution to public understanding of heat stroke from engineering viewpoint
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Nov 2011

Student Award International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Japan

Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos Jan 2009


  • Electromagnetics in Health Technology


Is activation of the vestibular system by electromagnetic induction a possibility in an MRI context?

Nicolas Bouisset, Janita Nissi, Ilkka Laakso, Raymond F. Reynolds, Alexandre Legros 2024 Bioelectromagnetics

Electric field envelope focality in superficial brain areas with linear alignment montage in temporal interference stimulation

Akimasa Hirata, Yusuke Akazawa, Sachiko Kodera, Naofumi Otsuru, Ilkka Laakso 2024 Computers in Biology and Medicine

Small effects of electric field on motor cortical excitability following anodal tDCS

Ilkka Laakso, Keisuke Tani, Jose Gomez-Tames, Akimasa Hirata, Satoshi Tanaka 2024 iScience

Thresholds and mechanisms of human magnetophosphene perception induced by low frequency sinusoidal magnetic fields

Alexandre Legros, Janita Nissi, Ilkka Laakso, Joan Duprez, Robert Kavet, Julien Modolo 2024 Brain Stimulation

Predicting the hotspot location and motor threshold prior to transcranial magnetic stimulation using electric field modelling

Noora Matilainen, Juhani Kataja, Ilkka Laakso 2024 Physics in Medicine and Biology

Verification of neuronavigated TMS accuracy using structured-light 3D scans

Noora Matilainen, Juhani Kataja, Ilkka Laakso 2024 Physics in Medicine and Biology

In vivo and dosimetric investigation on electrical vestibular stimulation with frequency- and amplitude-modulated currents

Janita Nissi, Otto Kangasmaa, Juhani Kataja, Nicolas Bouisset, Ilkka Laakso 2024 JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING

Simulating tDCS electrode placement to stimulate both M1 and SMA enhances motor performance and modulates cortical excitability depending on current flow direction

Takatsugu Sato, Natsuki Katagiri, Saki Suganuma, Ilkka Laakso, Shigeo Tanabe, Rieko Osu, Satoshi Tanaka, Tomofumi Yamaguchi 2024 Frontiers in Neuroscience

Intercomparison of the averaged induced electric field in learning-based human head models exposed to low-frequency magnetic fields

Yinliang Diao, Essam A. Rashed, Luca Giaccone, Ilkka Laakso, Congsheng Li, Riccardo Scorretti, Yoichi Sekiba, Kenichi Yamazaki, Akimasa Hirata 2023 IEEE Access