Arto Lindblom

E702 Dept. Marketing

Professor, emphasis on strategies, processes and management systems in retailing, Aalto University School of Business, Department of Marketing.

Areas of teaching and research expertise:

  • Retail Marketing and Management
  • Retail Business Models
  • Retail Entrepreneurship
  • Supplier-Retailer Relationships

Academic responsibilities:

  • Head of the Department, 1.8.2017-31.7.2021
  • Head of the Department, 1.8.2013-31.7.2014
  • Deputy Director of the Department, 1.8.2016-31.7.2017
  • Deputy Director of the Department, 1.8.2010-31.7.2013
  • Vice Dean of the School of Business, emphasis on teaching and quality, 1.1.2011-31.12.2012
  • Director of Strategic Retail and Channel Management MSc Degree Program, 1.8.2006-31.7.2011

Externally funded research projects:

  • Wisdom - Lineaarisista liiketoimintamalleista kohti dynaamisia ekosysteemejä: 1.9.2020-31.08.2022. Funded by Business Finland. 
  • Global marketplaces and ecosystems in retailing [Globaalien markkinapaikkojen rakenne, logiikka ja johtamismenetelmät]: 1.1.2016-31.8.2018. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • FiDiPro project ‘The Red Queen Effect: Strategies for an Innovative Landscape’: 1.1.2015-31.12.2017. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • Aalto Future Store: 1.8.2010-31.12.2011. Funded by Aalto Service Factory.
  • Competitiveness and security of shopping centers [Kaupallisten keskusten turvallisuus ja kilpailukyky]: 1.1.2008–31.7.2010. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
  • Innovative business models in retail value chain [Kaupan arvoketjun liiketoimintamallien innovointi]: 1.1.2007–31.12.2009. Funded by Tekes and partner firms.
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


The Moomins in Japan: How to Build a Profitable Licensing Business Overseas?

Hiroshi Kanno, Ingmar Björkman, Arto Lindblom, Rebecca Piekkari, Naoto Nadayama 2024

Kyrö Distillery Company: Brutally Finnish in Japan

Miikka J. Lehtonen, Arto Lindblom, Gene Thompson 2024

Vieraanvaraisuus on osa matkailijoiden palvelukokemusta

Arto Lindblom, Heikki Valkama 2024 Matkailututkimus

What drives retail entrepreneurs’ intentions to engage in CSR? : The effects of societal concern, social pressure and state anxiety

Heidi Wechtler, Arto Lindblom, Taru Lindblom 2024 International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

De-internationalization of transactional platforms: an exploratory case study

Arto Lindblom, Naoto Nadayama, Kazuhiro Asakawa, Richard Cuthbertson 2022 International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

The Importance of Online Retailers’ Ethics for Traditional, Online and Multichannel Customers

Mika Skippari, Sami Kajalo, Arto Lindblom 2022 Contemporary Issues in Digital Marketing

Dispositional Optimism, Entrepreneurial Success and Exit Intentions

Arto Lindblom, Taru Lindblom, Heidi Wechtler 2020 Journal of Business Research