Antti Ainamo

Project Employee
Project Employee
T214 Civil Engineering
[email protected]


Best paper award at the EURAM 2022 Conference

The paper "Winning over the Market Orientation Trap: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Deliberate Iteration between Market Driving and Market-Driven Orientation" received the Best Paper Award in the SIG Strategic Management general track of EURAM 2022.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jun 2022


  • Performance in Building Design and Construction, Project Employee


The role of external crises in international SMEs' business models : An institution-based view

Susanne Durst, Lasse Torkkeli, Antti Ainamo 2023 Contextual Embeddedness of Entrepreneurship

Interplay of Technology, Business and Ecosystems: Creating Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry

Roope Nyqvist, Antti Peltokorpi, Antti Ainamo, Rita Lavikka, Olli Seppänen 2023

Radical circles and visionary innovation

Antti Ainamo, Claudio Dell'Era, Roberto Verganti 2021

University Ecosystem for Student Startups : A ‘Platform of Trust’ Perspective

Antti Ainamo, Ergo Pikas, Kari Mikkelä 2021 Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning ICL2020

Counter-Clock World

Christian Stutz, Antti Ainamo, Juha-Antti Lamberg 2021

Virtual mannequins and garment parametrization

Maria Kulinska, Pascal Bruniaux, Antti Ainamo, Xianyi Zeng, Yan Chen 2016 Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making - Proceedings of the 12th International FLINS Conference, FLINS 2016

Online news and corporate reputation: a neurophysiological investigation

Niklas Ravaja, Pekka Aula, Alessio Falco, Salla Laaksonen, Mikko Salminen, Antti Ainamo 2015

Editorial: Design Management and Artistic Intervention: Arts, Fashion, Games and Service Design

Antti Ainamo, Kirsi Niinimäki, Marja Soila-Wadman, Lisbeth Svengren-Holm 2014 19th ADMC, Academic Design Management Conference, Design Management in the Era of Disruption