Antti Ainamo

Antti Ainamo

Project Employee
Project Employee
T214 Civil Engineering

Tietoa minusta

  • I am an organizational researcher at heart, specialized in temporary forms of organizing such as networks and projects and nurturing and in orchestration of ecosystems. Many of my contributions in research literature are in and around creative and cultural industries such as video games , fashion, heavy-metal music, and science-fiction literature. I have also done research on and/or practiced various forms of professional services such as management consulting, communications and PR, engineering consulting, business journalism, and business law. More often than not, my research and practices has involved inquiry into new forms and models of creative cross-functional collaboration, crossing over boundaries of organizations, industries, and national borders.
  • Currently I work at Aalto Computer Science where my research is on the Aalto startup ecosystem (ongoing research) as part of the FinEst Twins WP6. I also work on the Estonian money laundering crisis (R&R, Organization Studies); market orientation (submitted, Industrial Marketing Management; accepted, AOM 2022; accepted, EAM 2022). I also work at Aalto Civil Engineering on machine learning as business transformation in "AEC" (Architecture, Engineering, Construction). I am also Associate Professor (0.25, since 2022) at University of Tartu, Estonia, doing research there in particular in and around their Sandbox, a part of the Design Factory Global Network.


[email protected]