
Qual+ -tutkimusseminaari: Abductive reasoning in organizational research (Professori Mikko Ketokivi)

Aalto Center for Qualitative Management Research (Qual+) invites you to explore the use of abductive reasoning in organizational research together with Mikko Ketokivi, Professor of Operations Management & Organization Design at IE University, Spain. His research seminar will be held on September 30 at 12:30-14:00. Ketokivi has published widely on scientific reasoning, argumentation, the case study as a scientific method, and the use of analogies in reasoning. Professor Ketokivi's bio can be found below.
A headshot of a man

Of the three forms of reasoning (deduction, induction, and abduction), abduction is comparatively the most complex and multifaceted. We all use at least some variants of abduction in our research, no matter what our research design and knowledge interest. In this seminar, I explore the use of abduction in organizational research, paying special attention to how it differs from induction. I will also discuss the common practice of using reasoning terminology to describe not just our reasoning processes but entire research designs. My position is that the use of reasoning terms to describe entire research designs -- as in "inductive research" -- is potentially misleading.” – Mikko Ketokivi

BIO: Mikko Ketokivi (www.ketokivi.com) is a Professor of Operations Management & Organization Design at IE University in Madrid, Spain. In addition to the substantive research topics of operations management and governance, his academic writings address research design, methodology, reasoning, and argumentation. His most recent methodological research interests include the use of abductive reasoning and the role of models in organizational research.

You are most welcome to attend his research seminar on September 30 at 12:30-14:00.

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