
Urban Tech Helsinki: Startupit ratkaisemassa kaupunkien kestävyyshaasteita

Urban Tech Helsinki on puhtaiden ja kestävien ratkaisujen hautomo. Tämä webinaari jakaa innovatiivisia menestystarinoita Aalto-yliopistosta ja Helsingin yliopistosta, jotka pyrkivät parempaan kestävyyden tulevaisuuteen yhdessä startupyritystemme kanssa.
Visual of Urban Tech Helsinki

Urban Tech Helsinki is an incubator for clean and sustainable urban solutions. We help you turn your business idea into a growth-oriented startup that focuses on solving the challenges of modern cities. Together with our partners City of Helsinki, we are happy to show Designs for a cooler planet with a twist from Urban Tech startups.

The webinar will share the innovative success story of Aalto and Helsinki striving together for a better future for sustainability, with the contribution of our startups. Our specialist network will guide you to the main themes of urban tech: urban development, circular economy, clean energy, smart mobility, urban farming and urban wellbeing.


  • Kaisa Ahonen, Aalto University
  • Laura Forsman, University of Helsinki
  • Mira Jarkko, City of Helsinki
  • Juho Kostiainen, City of Helsinki
  • Peeter Lange, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • Anna-Stina Tähkävuori, Metropolia UAS

Our portfolio startups will showcase their innovations and ideas. We also share our unique cooperation story with Helsinki Design week, where children design a city of the future. The event will be ended with notes from the Deputy Mayor of the City of Helsinki, Ms. Anni Sinnemäki.

Register for the event here

The Urban Tech Helsinki team.
The Urban Tech Helsinki team. Photo: Vesa Laitinen

Urban Tech Helsinki is an incubator for clean and sustainable urban solutions. We help you turn your business idea into a growth-oriented startup that focuses on solving the challenges of modern cities.

Urban Tech Helsinki

Urban Tech Helsinki Youtube channel

Visual of Urban Tech Helsinki

Urban Tech Helsinki (ulkoinen linkki)

Urban Tech Helsinki is an incubator for clean and sustainable urban solutions. We help you turn your business idea into a growth-oriented startup that focuses on solving the challenges of modern cities.

Designs for a Cooler Planet 2022 main image. Visual identity design: Milja Komulainen & Hares Bassil

Tätä on elämä 1.5 – planeetalle ystävällisempiä materiaaleja, muotia ja ruokaa

Designs for a Cooler Planet on viiden viikon mittainen festivaali, joka on yhtä planeettaystävällisten materiaalien, muodin ja ruoan juhlaa.

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