
Konesuunnitteluprojektin Gaala

Kiinnostaako Aalto Space ja mekaaninen suunnittelu? Tervetuloa tutustumaan MEC-E1003 Machine Design Project -kurssin opiskelijoiden rakentamiin prototyyppeihin. Tänä vuonna mukana on ensimmäistä kertaa myös yhteistyöprojekteja Aalto Space -tiimin ja professori Jaan Praksin kanssa.

MEC-E1003 Machine Design Project course student teams will be showing their prototypes for the public. This year, for the first time, there are also collaboration projects with the Aalto Space team and Professor Jaan Praks. Three student teams aredeveloping different mechanical designs of the deployment mechanism and support structure for a critical part of the “CubeSat” satellite the Aalto Space team is building for their ForeSail project.Other teams are working on a small trebuchet, a bicycle-powered blender, a disc golf throwing machine, the perennial can crusher, a moving target for shooting practice, a flapping wing mechanism, a segmented sliding door design, and a drift tricycle.

The project course is part of common studies courses in the Mechanical Engineering Master’s programme. The transferable skills learned in the Mechanical Engineering in Society course and the engineering skills learned in the other courses are put in practice. The course is also offered to the EIT Manufacturing Master's programme and to exchange students. 
During the course students, working in teams, complete a specific mechanical design task, representative of mechanisms used in machines. They develop an initial concept, carry out more detailed designs of critical components and build a prototype to demonstrate its working.

Tapahtuma on avoin kaikille.

Professori Sven Bossuyt

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