Hydrophobic Matter -seminaari
Tapahtuman kieli
Join us for a research seminar by Dr. Matej Kanduč, from the Department of Theoretical Physics at Jožef Stefan Institute!
Title of the talk:
How Tiny Hydrophobic Matter Leads to Big Effects
The speaker:
Matej Kanduč is a senior research associate, whose work focuses on the theoretical description of biological and soft-matter systems using methods of computer simulations. It is based on using classical force-field based molecular dynamics simulations, alongside numerical and analytic computations, as well as scaling arguments.
Dr. Kanduč's multifaceted research approach covers topics like the phenomena of wetting, the behavior of droplets and bubbles, the study of lipid membranes, the self-assembly processes of surfactants, and the phenomenon of cavitation.
The talk takes place on Thursday, December 12, from 13:15 to 14:00 in Otakaari 3's F239a lecture hall.
The event is on-site only with no sign-up required.
Dr. Kanduč visits Aalto University to attend as the opponent on Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi's doctoral defence on December 13. Read more about the defence here: Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi | Aalto University