
Kauppatieteiden tohtoriohjelma



Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Väitös konetekniikan alalta, M.Sc. Pauli Hiltunen

Kuinka hyödyntää matalalämpötilaista hukkalämpöä ja kaukolämpöverkon paluuvettä kaukolämmön tuotannossa? (väitöskirjan nimi)
Einat Amir & Yossi Hasson, Basic Assumption, 2017. Still image from a video shown in the performance-experiment.

Väitös taidekasvatuksen alalta, MFA Einat Amir

Synthesizing Art and Science: A Collaborative Approach to Understanding Intergroup Relations and Contributing to Social Change (väitöskirjan nimi)
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Väitös tietojenkäsittelytieteen alalta, M.Sc. Maia Malonzo

This thesis performed transcriptome and DNA methylation analyses to understand the mechanisms underlying stem cell regulation and two diseases, Alzheimer's disease and asthma, as well as proposed two methods for analyzing bisulfite sequencing data. We found biomarkers in the two diseases and karyotypically abnormal stem cells as well as found an important difference between mouse and human embryonic stem cells. We also show that the tools we developed improve accuracy in differential methylation inference.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Väitös konetekniikan alalta, DI Alvari Seppänen

Autonomisen ajoneuvon havaitseminen ja navigointi epäsuotuisissa olosuhteissa (väitöskirjan nimi)

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