Koray Tahiroglu
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
A806 Department of Art and Media
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Music, Music technology, Human-computer interaction, Interaction design, Embodied Interaction, Sound and Physical Interaction SOPI, Sound, ARTS, Audio, Sonic interaction, Department of Media, Media Lab Helsinki
Co-Creative Artificial Intelligence of Music
This is something we know about creativity, whether it is imposed as activities that gen- erate new ideas which result in innovative and valuable products or a way of living and acting in the world [1], it is still a social and systemic phenomenon, a social process emerging from dialogues, interactions and social practices shared with others. The joint research project, Co-Creative Artificial Intelligence of Music - CCREAIM, in collaboration with SOPI Research Group Aalto University and Google Brain Team (Magenta), will focus on creativity with a wider social practice approach on mutual interactions between computational technologies and human musicians. The CCREAIM project will investigate the practical implementation of AI enabling new possibilities of connecting technology to artists to open the door to say something new.
Myönnetty rahoitus (julkiset tutkimusapurahat)
Department of Art and Media
Jan 2022
Scientific publications and artistic activities
I was awarded a grant for scientific publications and artistic activities in 2010 by Helena Hyvönen, the Dean of Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta
Median laitos
Jan 2010
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention publication award to our paper Exploring Seasonality in Mobile Cultural Heritage
Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta
Median laitos
May 2017
Koray Tahiroğlu
Deep Learning with Audio: An Explorative Syllabus for Music Composition and Production
Koray Tahiroğlu, Shenran Wang, Eduard Tampu, Jackie Lin
Augmented Granular Synthesis Method for GAN Latent Space with Redundancy Parameter
Koray Tahiroğlu, Miranda Kastemaa
Koray Tahiroğlu
Evolving musical expectations: Mutual correlation between a human musician and an AI musical instrument
Koray Tahiroğlu
Embodied gestures
Sounding Lifeworld
Koray Tahiroğlu
Design strategies for a hybrid video synthesizer
Sourya Sen, Nuno Correia, Koray Tahiroğlu
AI-terity 2.0: An Autonomous NIME Featuring GANSpaceSynth Deep Learning Model
Koray Tahiroğlu, Miranda Kastemaa, Oskar Koli
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Ever-shifting roles in building, composing and performing with digital musical instruments
Koray Tahiroğlu
Koray Tahiroğlu, Miranda Kastemaa, Oskar Koli